Most funny poems about pens related news are at:

Suicide and Sanyaas 11 Mar 2012 | 05:46 pm
As I read and heard many things about this life how to live it ,is the life which “enlightened people” living are worth following or living in this world too is considered as an enlightened life ? re...
Meditation 10 Mar 2012 | 06:42 am
As it is said meditation is a technique to reach higher self or or enlightenment. Well it is for it is basically a process which “cleanes “ the mind or one can say “weeds” out and make our mind for ne...
More funny poems about pens related news:
Funny Rhyming Poems - Really Funny Poems 25 May 2012 | 07:26 am
Looking for some funny rhyming poems? I wrote a few funny poems. Here's hoping to make your load a little lighter and your day a bit brighter.
'चाईनिज नही भैया ..... सिक्किमिज़' 8 Jan 2013 | 12:05 pm
A funny poem depicting how students of Sikkim and North Eastern States are called chinki and chinese in the main land India and treated as outsiders. अकस्मात, झटारिएर, उछिटिएर, लड़बरिन्दै, म कहाँ आईप...
8 Easter Posts To Enjoy: Food, Funny, Poems, Photos 31 Mar 2013 | 06:10 am
Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food: 8 Easter Posts To Enjoy: Food, Funny, Poems, Photos: From Denny: Check out the fun facts posted about Easter on my blogs from traditions,... [[ This...
William Shatner Does Sarah Palin, Poem that is 29 Jul 2009 | 08:44 am
William Shatner performs some Sarah Palin poetry on the Tonight Show. Finally, it all makes sense, Thanks William! - funny shit
Funny Nonveg sms- celebrate PEN*S DAY!! 27 Apr 2012 | 05:17 pm
Kick the football get the goal, Suck the boobs f**k the hole, Kiss her lips pick her hips, Let us celebrate PEN*S DAY!! Read more Non veg sms Jokes, Chutkule on
Curious 11 Mar 2009 | 01:45 pm
Whatever I hold these days, Marlie quickly grabs: telephone cord, cell phone, glass of water, notebook, pen. Recently I got an electric breast pump and was trying to read the manual. It's funny how sh...
The Reaper 7 Jan 2010 | 11:27 am
Today I wrote a poem about the Angel of Death. This poem 'The Reaper' ended up in a direction that I hadn't anticipated when I first put pen to paper. I love it when my writing surprises me like tha...
2012 New Year Poem 1 Jan 2012 | 05:28 am
Last Day of Twenty Eleven Last day of twenty eleven Studying for final examination Celebration with books and papers Mind driven into facebook world Updated status and funny pictures New wishes ...
Peas with Honey 25 May 2010 | 02:36 pm
Here’s another poem that my grandfather taught me. Funny how these stick with you through the years. I eat my peas with honey. I’ve done it all my life. It makes the peas taste funny But it keeps the...
The Pen Prank 30 Dec 2011 | 08:00 pm
For More Funny Pranks, click HERE