Most funny space poems related news are at:

A Poem About the Haze in Singapore and Malaysia 22 Jun 2013 | 01:00 pm
Our land has been hit by the annual haze, it’s sending nasal systems into a craze. ’cause forests in Sumatra have been burned with a blaze. So now we get haze for several days. The PSI has hit a reco...
Gloson Recites His Top 10 Favorite Poems from MMPoetry 2013 30 Apr 2013 | 08:59 pm
Hello everyone. Happy National Poetry Month! There has been some great things going on this month, such as Greg Pincus’ 30 Days 30 Poets and also the 2013 Progressive Poem. I know it’s almost the end...
More funny space poems related news:
Funny Rhyming Poems - Really Funny Poems 25 May 2012 | 07:26 am
Looking for some funny rhyming poems? I wrote a few funny poems. Here's hoping to make your load a little lighter and your day a bit brighter.
Funny Working Poem in Hokkien 28 Feb 2012 | 10:32 pm
early morning go to work oredi, open outlook email sure banyak lagi, tapi kena makan dulu sorry. tengah makan hp berbunyi, i ask apa lu mahu lagi, always sure got kerja high priority. after taba...
May 11, Limerick Poems, Funny Birthday Poems, Retirement Wit, Work Place Humor, and ALL Occasions 12 May 2012 | 12:37 am
A plethora of limerick poems for every playful purpose. .
Funny Urdu poem/Ghazal on president Zardari. Politics jokes 7 Jan 2013 | 12:56 pm
A Funny Urdu poem / Ghazal dedicated to Mr.Zardari, the president of Pakistan. Politics Jokes in Urdu. Funny Urdu Punjabi poetry. Urdu Jokes The post Funny Urdu poem/Ghazal on president Zardari. Poli...
Where to find the best Terms Whenever Creating a Funny Love Poem 13 Jul 2013 | 10:51 am
In terms of creating a humorous really like poetry you might find oneself confronted with a job a great deal harder that very first considered. This short article consists of tips and suggestions tha...
I Didn't Go Camping 19 Aug 2013 | 01:00 pm
I Didn't Go Camping A Funny Summer Poem for Kids I didn't go camping. I didn't go hiking. I didn't go fishing. I didn't go biking. I didn't go play on the slides at the park. I didn't watch sh...
Our Mother Threw the Pie Away 5 Aug 2013 | 01:00 pm
Our Mother Threw the Pie Away A Funny Food Poem for Kids Our mother threw the pie away. She dumped out all the Cokes. She kept the beans and leafy greens and leeks and artichokes. She chucked th...
[ Funny & Humourous Poems ] 30% OFF-Quick Backup Blu-ray to M2TS in original quality without encoding 23 Aug 2013 | 08:28 am
30% OFF-Quick Backup Blu-ray to M2TS in original quality without encoding "I needed a Blu-ray Ripper to rip my good collection of Blu-ray for storage - I prefer digital versions that last longer and ...
William Shatner Does Sarah Palin, Poem that is 29 Jul 2009 | 08:44 am
William Shatner performs some Sarah Palin poetry on the Tonight Show. Finally, it all makes sense, Thanks William! - funny shit
Adam Fieled (Philly, USA): from Apparition Poems 18 May 2009 | 11:21 pm
#1340 Arms folded over chest (as the man on the four of Swords), she paints inside a box-like carven space, (dank edges only seen on the outside), light filters in from small square windows, I hover ...