Most funny things to say dumped related news are at:
Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes 2 Nov 2012 | 12:27 am
Dear Faithful Readers: I’m giving Crone and Bear It a break. That’s not to say I’ll never post here again. I’ve learned to never say never. In the meantime, I’ve embarked on a new blogging journey...
Just Pee in the Cup Already! 4 Oct 2012 | 07:56 pm
Sweet EmmaLou, Golden Destroyer has had some health issues of late. The most annoying one (for all of us) is a stomach problem — she has issues with digesting her food and she burps louder and longer...
More funny things to say dumped related news:
Those funny things kids say… 12 Jun 2013 | 10:37 am
One of the best parts about being a dad is the daily laughter. No matter how long or hard of a day you’ve had, your kids are guaranteed to make you smile or laugh at ...
Those funny things kids say… 12 Jun 2013 | 10:37 am
One of the best parts about being a dad is the daily laughter. No matter how long or hard of a day you’ve had, your kids are guaranteed to make you smile or laugh at some point in the day, with all th...
currently: william 23 Aug 2013 | 03:00 pm
This current phase of William's is so great. I love the funny things he says. I feel like the "romance" is back in our relationship and we are really killing this mother/son thing at the moment. This ...
Check Out This Collection of Humorous Quotes About Kids 21 Aug 2013 | 03:10 am
Children say the darndest things. They’re always coming up with cute and charming witticisms about life and how they see it. But it’s not just the little ones that have funny things to say to us; we h...
Journals for Kids 16 Aug 2013 | 05:00 pm
Last week my three year old was saying the prayer on lunch, when he randomly added, "and please bless the mail, all the way to the mailbox." Ha ha. I always get a kick out of the funny things he say...
Saltwater Wisdom 22 Sep 2009 | 05:44 pm
Funny thing, wisdom. At 39, it seems like I have a ton of it. I know how to help my friends. I know how to help my family. I know how to help me. I know exactly what not to say to my ex-wife. Then I s...
Perceptions of time and reality. How bad are things really? 30 Oct 2010 | 12:28 pm
Time is a funny thing and so is our perception of reality. Why do I say this? Because even though it is exactly the same for everyone when measured technically it appears to be immensely different, in...
Ben is a weirdo (Future Ben, we still love you) 26 Mar 2012 | 05:56 am
As many almost two-year-old kids, Ben is silly and does funny things. But somethings he does causes us to just scratch our heads and say he is weird. When eating, he likes to take one bite of each t...
I'm New At This. 10 Nov 2010 | 04:17 pm
So after a long lunch with a couple of colleagues, I've decided to give this whole "blogging" thing a try. It's a good way to record the funny things my kids say, vent some of my frustrations, and ha...
All The Funny Things 17 Sep 2011 | 04:48 am
I really get a kick out of Madelyn and all the random things she says. I love the way she sometimes says things kind of backwards or out of order in her own Madelyn dialect. I have loved hearing her l...