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The Skate 17 Dec 2011 | 09:00 am
A sua vida está em jogo! 16 Dec 2011 | 09:02 am
More future labs related news:
Visita à Casa do Futuro e Future Labs 15 Mar 2011 | 01:19 am
Dia 9 de Fevereiro de 2011. A hora prevista para a saída era às 10 horas da manhã. No entanto, antes da hora prevista, todos os alunos do 10º PM e 10ºPM-N já estavam prontos para seguir viagem, entusi...
Soumya Ray – Director of Bio-Computing 2 Aug 2011 | 08:28 am
Spotlight: Dr. Ray is the current Director of our Future Labs bio-computing resource. Computation is rapidly becoming a n integral pa rt of life science research and development. Over the next decade...
Soumya Ray – Director of Bio-Computing 2 Aug 2011 | 04:28 am
Spotlight: Dr. Ray is the current Director of our Future Labs bio-computing resource. Computation is rapidly becoming a n integral pa rt of life science research and development. Over the next decade,...
Kids = CTOs 6 Mar 2013 | 04:07 pm
"49% of parents ask their kids, also know as CTOs (Chief Technology Officers), for their advice on which phone to buy." via The Future Lab
Music Prize Package 17 Aug 2013 | 08:54 am
I just won a phase of a game being run by the Digital Future Lab at the University of Washington Bothell, and my prize was a shopping spree at Sonic Boom Records in Ballard, guided/curated by Michael ...
A Peek Inside Drexel’s Design Futures Lab 23 Aug 2013 | 06:00 pm
We all wish we could see into the future. A group of six Drexel Interior Architecture +...
Zukunft made in Germany 12 Jul 2013 | 04:00 am
future lab germany - der Zukunftsreader von Lutz Engelke und Günther Bachmann
Kandi Technologies: Exceptional Strategy For China From An Urban Planning View 27 Aug 2013 | 05:39 am
By Daryoosh Ardalan: Urban planning research has been my focus for the past several years. As an associate of the Urban Futures Lab at the University of Colorado, I have published material on topics ...
NooSY Micro Sim Cutter + 2x Sim Adapters 26 May 2012 | 02:12 am
Description: Use our micro sim cutter to convert your standard sim card(15*25mm) to micro sim card(12*15mm). then you can use that to your iPad or future iPhone 4G. What is This? Without this cutter...
Announcing: Guerrilla Usability Testing Training 19 Sep 2008 | 12:10 am
Announcing: Guerrilla Usability Testing Training Usability tests are an excellent way of discovering problems with a product or service. Commissioning a dedicated usability lab will provide a high de...