Most gabrielle giffords fake shooting related news are at:

What’s the Matter with Cracker Barrel? 15 Aug 2012 | 02:46 am
Story here
Mississippi candidate calls for mayors blocking Chick-fil-A getting “introduced to the Second Amendment” 1 Aug 2012 | 11:45 pm
In a totally peaceful way, I’m sure… South Mississippi congressional candidate Ron Williams said mayors vowing to block new Chick-fil-A restaurants because the company’s president opposes gay marriag...
More gabrielle giffords fake shooting related news:
Technical News - 08 January 2012 9 Jan 2012 | 05:59 am
Giffords comes home to mark Tucson shooting anniversary January 8, 2012 TUCSON, Ariz (Reuters) - Representative Gabrielle Giffords makes an emotional homecoming to Tucson on Sunday, reconnecting with...
Chris Titus: I’d assassinate Sarah Palin if she was elected 8 Jun 2011 | 02:04 am
In case there was still some residual confusion about the new tone favored by liberals after the Gabrielle Giffords shooting — you know, the tone that was supposed to curb violence by cutting out supp...
Gabrielle Giffords Only Subscribed To Two You Tube Channels - One Of Them Was Jared Loughner's! 12 Jan 2011 | 11:15 am
I discovered something about Gabrielle Giffords' shooting last night and I don't know about you, but to my mind it stinks to high heaven! This is my original post which is followed by a rather ...
I've Been Holding Back These Past 10 Days 19 Jan 2011 | 01:31 am
Since the shooting in Tucson of Gabrielle Giffords and 14 other people, I've wanted to make some kind of comment on it. But something's been stopping me. I don't mean the usual "I'm too busy with sc...
Arizona Shooting Leaves 6 Dead And 12 Wounded 9 Jan 2011 | 11:00 am
Congresswoman Gabirelle Giffords Shot In Tucson, Arizona Representative Gabrielle Giffords was shot this morning at a constituent service day meeting in her district in Tucson, Arizona. Giffords was...
President Barack Obama Signs Bill that Ends Free Speech in Presence of Any Politician 16 Mar 2012 | 03:33 pm
by March 15, 2012 by Giacomo After last year’s tragic shooting in Tucson, Arizona that killed six people and wounded twelve others including Rep Gabrielle Giffords, Congress started work on a bill t...
Kelly recalls space career, shooting tragedy, fighting spirit of his wife Gabby Giffords at forum 27 Aug 2013 | 07:06 am
Gabrielle Gabby Giffords, appearing with her astronaut husband, Capt. Mark Kelly, said simply at the Jim Blanchard Leadership Forum Monday night, I want to make the world a better place. Click to...
Outside Lands Style 2013, Gabrielle, Jenna, and Damian 15 Aug 2013 | 02:18 am
I asked Mai to shoot some street style photos for us at Outside Lands. She posts every day over on, so go have a look. Also, I decided I needed a fake fur coat for happiness reasons. If ...
Outside Lands Style 2013, Gabrielle, Jenna, and Damian 15 Aug 2013 | 02:18 am
I asked Mai to shoot some street style photos for us at Outside Lands. She posts every day over on, so go have a look. Also, I decided I needed a fake fur coat for happiness reasons. If ...