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Top 10 Highest Paid Musicians of 2010 25 Jul 2010 | 11:47 pm
10. Black Eyed Peas - $48 million Since crossing over to the mainstream in the early 2000s, the Black Eyed Peas have been everywhere from the Super Bowl pre-game show to discussing politics on CNN. A...
Web Games Craziness! 23 Sep 2010 | 07:44 pm
Get ready for some quick and fun web games that will help you pass the time... or at least waste it. Test your hand/eye coordination, level up, travel through time, or make your own game! Show Links:...
CORRECTION: How to get on a game show 11 Nov 2011 | 06:20 pm
Nov. 11, 2011: A Nov. 8, 2011, article misidentified Bev Pomerantz as a casting director for the Game Show Network. In fact, she is an independent casting director who works on programs that appear on...
Pigeon brain > Human brain, in Monty Hall problem. 24 May 2012 | 08:53 pm
And you think you’re so smart eh? Pigeons might do better than humans at game shows, at least on “Let’s Make A Deal.” These new findings — involving the pigeons superior ability to solve a perplexin...
Carney Wilson's 'New' Newlywed Game Has First Gay Couple 14 Oct 2009 | 01:37 am
Yesterday, the classic TV game show "The Newlywed Game" featured the first gay married couple on the show since its 1966 premier. Now hosted by Carnie Wilson, the show last night had George Takei . ....
PSP: in arrivo un nuovo Suikoden 20 Sep 2011 | 11:11 am
Tra le tante sorprese che ci ha rivelato il Game Show, troviamo anche un nuovo gioco per la nostra cara “vecchietta” Playstation Portable, ovvero il nuovo capitolo della serie di Suikoden, dal titolo ...
PS Vita: console region-free e con aggiornamenti più veloci 20 Sep 2011 | 05:04 am
Tante le novità che ci sono pervenute in questi giorni, proprio dal palco del Tokyo Game Show 2011, su PS Vita. Alcune delle novità ve le abbiamo già rivelate, come le nuove memory card e il supporto ...
TGS 2011: la protagonista è PS Vita 17 Sep 2011 | 10:57 am
Inutile dirlo, la protagonista ufficiale della kermesse che sta avendo luogo proprio in questi giorni in Giappone, il Tokyo Game Show 2011, è PS Vita. Davvero tante le novità che ci sono state rivela...
Announcing the bpNichol Chapbook Award 2011 Winner 12 Jan 2012 | 08:58 pm
Claudia Coutu Radmore for Accidentals Published by Apt. 9 Press Honourable Mentions: Kevin McPherson Eckhoff, Game Show Reversed (BookThug) Toronto Poetry Vendors, Vol 2, No 1 (authors: Laurie...
Ik hou van Holland (I Love Holland) Re-cap 2 Apr 2012 | 07:01 am
Esmée made a TV Appearance, her first one in quite a long time, yesterday in the dutch television show Ik hou van Holland (I love Holland). It’s one of the biggest dutch game shows. She already pre-re...