Most game village bingo related news are at:

Our live show returns tonight! 14 Aug 2013 | 09:40 pm
Hi everyone! Just a reminder that Mark is back from holiday and our live show resumes tonight at 7pm. As well as the Summer Six Pack, there are more ways to win with “The Heat Is On”, “Clueless Hosti...
Welcome to August on Bingo Radio 1 Aug 2013 | 10:12 pm
Bingo Radio is celebrating the last official month of summer – come what may! Join us for our August games and promotions including an exciting progressive competition each night at 8.30. Now everyone...
More game village bingo related news:
Playing multi-card bingo 10 Jul 2010 | 11:48 pm
If its your first time playing bingo, then you’ll probably be quite happy playing with just one card, as this gives you time to get used to playing the game of bingo in a nice easy way. However more e...
Bingo is a game of numbers 21 Jul 2011 | 08:39 pm
If you are a person who just loves number games then bingo is the best choice for you. It is a game which is played on some printed tickets like cards, on which there are columns and rows in which num...
Types of Online Bingo Games 27 May 2012 | 03:06 am
The internet bingo game is played by countless numbers of people all around the world. Trend spotting and statistics have revealed that when it comes to games online, bingo has surpassed all other gam...
BINGO Game 1070 10 Oct 2011 | 08:20 am
Bingo Game 1070 10/06/2011 Need more players to night 12 player we paid $10 on Regular game $10 Special game. Next week Jr. Jack $200 in 7 number or less Black out $500 in 56 number or less Filed...
BINGO Game 1069 2 Oct 2011 | 02:58 pm
Bingo Game 1069 09/29/2011 Need more players to night 11 player we paid $10 on Regular game $10 Special game. Next week Jr. Jack $150 in 6 number or less Black out $500 in 54 number or less Filed...
BINGO Game 1067 17 Sep 2011 | 03:19 am
Bingo Game 1067 09/15/2011 Need more players to night 12 player we paid $10 on Regular game $10 Special game. Next week Jr. Jack $250 in 10 number or less Black out $500 in 52 number or less File...
BINGO Game 1063 1 Sep 2011 | 01:18 am
Bingo Game 1063 08/25/2011 Good night 17 player we paid $10 on Regular game $20 Special game. We had a $500.00 winer on the Black Out game. Next week Jr. Jack $250 in 9 number or less Black out $...
BINGO Game 1062 22 Aug 2011 | 03:08 pm
Bingo Game 1062 08/18/2011 Ok night 14 player we paid $10 on Regular game $10 Special game. Next week Jr. Jack $250 in 8 number or less Black out $500 in 62 number or less Filed under: BINGO, Game...
BINGO Game 1061 15 Aug 2011 | 07:50 am
Bingo Game 1061 08/11/2011 Good night 18 player we paid $10 on Regular game $20 Special game. Next week Jr. Jack $250 in 7 number or less Black out $500 in 61 number or less Filed under: BINGO, Ga...
BINGO Game 1059 24 Jul 2011 | 10:15 am
Bingo Game 1059 07/21/2011 Good night 17 player we paid $10 on Regular game $15 Special game. Next week Jr. Jack $15o in 6 number or less Black out $500 in 58 number or less Filed under: BINGO, Ga...