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The Three Legs of Faith 16 Jun 2011 | 03:24 pm
A three-legged stool or table is an incredibly stable piece of furniture. A two-legged table is not able to balance, and if you sit a four-legged table on an uneven surface it will rock and wobble; bu...
False Messiahs, Doomsday Prophets & Hate Cults 23 May 2011 | 01:05 pm
It must be something in the air at the moment – there seems to be a rash of crazies staking their claim to their fifteen minutes of fame, and all of it in the name of God. Here in Australia, a fairly ...
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Line up for this weeks Hard Stuff 26 Jun 2010 | 07:35 am
This week on the Hard Stuff….new Puddle of Mudd and Danko Jones this week….old school Judas Priest and Thin Lizzy…thrash metal gods Exodus and Testament and some surprises! Anytime you have a request...