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American Medical Association (AMA) Report Card is Available! 7 Aug 2013 | 08:51 pm
The numbers are intimidating. On average, providers spend 14 percent of their revenue managing the reimbursement process. For every $11.00 claim a provider makes, his or her office loses $2.30 to admi...
Video: Best Practices for Your Practice 24 Jul 2013 | 08:09 am
Simple Suggestions to Offer Smooth Operations Better performers allow their software and clearinghouse to work together. Gateway EDI’s Compliance & Business Developement Coordinator, Connie Schmidt,...
More gateway edi related news:
Kim – Twin Palms Chiropractic Health Center, Inc. 16 Apr 2013 | 02:19 am
Kim moved her office from paper claims to electronic claims through Gateway EDI. She achieved 99% Club status by pulling daily reports and diligently checking for errors. By doing this she feels confi...
Diane – Texas Child Neurology 16 Apr 2013 | 02:40 am
Diane, from Texas Child Neurology, switched to Gateway EDI in 2012. She has found it to be a great fit. Her practice has achieved 99% Club status through a winning combination of people, process and t...
Sarah – Sigafoose Chiropractic 16 Apr 2013 | 02:53 am
Sigafoose Chiropractic started using Gateway EDI in January 2011. As we installed new computer software, it took our staff and our patients some time to acclimate to the changes. To ensure smooth pr...
Video: Best Practices for Your Practice 24 Jul 2013 | 08:09 am
Simple Suggestions to Offer Smooth Operations Better performers allow their software and clearinghouse to work together. Gateway EDI’s Compliance & Business Developement Coordinator, Connie Schmidt,...
502 Bad Gateway 27 Sep 2011 | 01:43 am
502 Bad Gateway error ini biasanya terjadi kalo kebanyakan request yang masuk yang tidak bisa dihandle oleh server sehingga menjadi timeout. Klo pada apache error ini bisa disamakan dengan 500 Interna...
BBB12 – Big Brother Brasil – Reality Show da Globo 10 Jan 2012 | 04:53 pm
BBB12 – Big Brother Brasil 12 – Nesta próxima terça- feira ( 9) estreia a tão esperada décima segunda edição do Big Brother Brasil. Com direção de Boninho e apresentação com Pedro Bial, a edição deste...
Parada gay de São Paulo 2011 7 Jul 2010 | 03:16 pm
A Parada Gay de São Paulo em 2011 promete ser um grande evento, já que será a edição de número 15 e deve receber um público ainda maior do que no ano de 2010, quando a estimativa foi a de que mais de ...
Olá, você, que como eu ainda acredita que a Fazenda pode ter salvação após uma primeira temporada boa, mas com uma edição de querer enfiar a unha no toba de tão arrastada e uma segunda temporada que f...
Becoming American in the 21st Century 27 Oct 2011 | 09:04 am
Over the past 10 years, Hispanic immigrants have settled far beyond the obvious gateway states, making their homes in places like Pennsylvania’s Lehigh Valley. Theirs is a story of identity, demograph...
How to Write Stellar Copy for Your Homepage 16 May 2012 | 03:01 am
Think of your homepage as the first impression customers have of your business… Think of your homepage as the first opportunity you have to make a sale… Think of your homepage as the gateway to the re...