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We Are Smarter Than TV 26 Aug 2013 | 02:29 am
Back in 2007, Drew McLellan and I embarked on a journey of crowdsourcing discovery. Inspired by the We Are Smarter Than Me collaborative writing project, we wanted to see whether the collective intell...
Put Some Play into Your Day 24 Aug 2013 | 08:26 am
For a long time I have been a fan of the concept of “play”. It brings a great deal of creativity into what can often be a very serious approach to business. In fact, I used PLAY as a metaphor for bran...
More gavin heaton related news:
What is Gavin Heaton Up To? 26 Apr 2010 | 03:56 pm
Not long ago Gavin Heaton came to Des Moines, Iowa. This was a rather remarkable event…for me at least. Having read Gavin’s blog for a long time and benefited a great deal, it was for me like meeting...
Beady Eye are pleased to confirm they will support The Stone Roses at their forthcoming gig in Heaton Park, Manchester on Saturday 30th June. The legendary Manchester band - comprised of Ian Brown,.....
Stone Roses at Heaton Park 7 Dec 2011 | 04:00 pm
See the legendary Stone Roses at Manchester Heaton Park - three dates on 29th and 30th June and 1st July 2012
Junior Golf Tips: Chipping 30 May 2012 | 12:00 pm Widgets Oak Park Golf Club‘s head professional Gavin Grenville-Wood shows us a series of drills that will help improve your chipping and ultimately help lower your handicap.
Theology of Religions by Gavin D’Costa 31 Oct 2010 | 06:27 am
Gavin D’Costa's suggestion that we need to move beyond the old debate between exclusivism, inclusivism, and pluralism is well-taken. I'm just wondering about how he relates his 'universal' soteriology...
Workshop figurentheater in Firmament 28 Apr 2012 | 07:22 am
Het Firmament wist een grote mijnheer in het figurentheater te strikken voor een masterclass. Van maandag 10 tot vrijdag 14 september neemt Gavin Glover je mee op sleeptouw door de wonderlijke wereld....
Crossroads Adoption 3 Jun 2011 | 11:38 am
By: Meg Heaton, Hudson Star-Observer "Finding good homes for children who need them has always been the mission of Crossroads Adoption Services but the Hudson agency is working on something special t...
Crash Bandicoot pode voltar a ser desenvolvido 10 Feb 2012 | 01:03 pm
Posted By VitorCroni Você gostaria? Eu sim! Andy Gavin, um dos criadores do clássico Crash Bandicoot, comentou que gostaria que fosse desenvolvido uma adaptação em HD dos 4 primeiros jogos da série ...
Alfred Hitchcock's greatest thriller? 21 Dec 2009 | 09:03 pm
Psycho (1960) Starring: Anthony Perkins, Janet Leigh, John Gavin and Vera Miles Director: Alfred Hitchcock Rating: Ten of Ten Stars Marion Crane (Leigh) steals $40,000 from her employer and heads off...
The Art of Getting By 2011 27 Nov 2011 | 12:41 am
Country: USA Producer: Gavin Wiesen Actors: Freddie Highmore, Emma Roberts, Michael Angarano Plot: Believing the quote that you are born alone, die alone and everything else is an illusion, George...