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[game jam] 1 semaine de travail, 280 FPS, 1 compilation de 7 minutes 27 Aug 2013 | 03:28 pm
Du 10 août au 17 août se tenait une game jam organisée par 7DFPS. Les participants (280) avaient 7 jours pour développer un FPS. Le youtoubeur iDubbbz nous a fait le plaisir de compiler 41 de ces proj...
[gamescom award 2013] Qui qui qui est le plus beau ? 27 Aug 2013 | 02:48 pm
Qui a été élu le meilleur jeu de la gamescom 2013 ? Le meilleur jeu PC ? Le meilleur FPS ? Le meilleur jeu mobile ? Et quelle est la meilleure machine ? Ben c’est juste en dessous, là, si, si. Lire l...
More gearbox software related news:
[MF/ifile] Borderlands Full Rip (3.6 GB) 5 Apr 2012 | 05:47 pm
Borderlands is a science fiction first-person shooter with RPG elements that was developed by Gearbox Software for Microsoft Windows,Lock, Load, & Face the Madness Get ready for the mind blowing insan...
Borderlands (3.6 GB) 22 Dec 2011 | 02:24 pm
Borderlands is a science fiction first-person shooter with RPG elements that was developed by Gearbox Software for Microsoft Windows,Lock, Load, & Face the Madness Get ready for the mind blowing... f...
Borderlands 2 DLC 10 Apr 2012 | 04:16 am
Cei de la Gearbox Software nu au lansat inca Borderlands 2, insa ne vorbesc despre primul DLC al acestuia, care va veni dupa lansarea oficiala a jocului. La o East PAX dezvoltatorul ne-a prezentat im...
Noutati jocuri online 2011 17 Mar 2011 | 02:53 am
Duke Nukem Forever Unul dintre cele mai așteptate jocuri pentru PC își va face în curând apariția în magazine. Gearbox Software și 2K Games pregătesc relansarea celebrului joc, ce a încins calculatoa...
Gameplaybeelden van Aliens: Colonial Marines 25 Aug 2011 | 08:14 am
Sega heeft een nieuwe gameplay trailer vrijgegeven van Aliens: Colonial Marines. Aliens: Colonial Marines wordt ontwikkeld door Gearbox Software en verschijnt in de lente van 2012 voor Xbox360 en Pla...
Borderlands 2 8 Aug 2011 | 09:41 pm
Vous en rêviez ??? nous aussi !!! 2K et GearBox Software l'ont promis, Borderlands 2 verra bien le jour d'ici un an ! ou deux... La rumeur d'Eurogamer était donc bien fondée. Borderlands 2 verra le j...
May is when "its" coming (Duke Nukem Forever) 27 Jan 2011 | 03:25 am I've lost count of how many times Duke Nukem Forever has been given a release date, but it seems that Gearbox Software feel that May 6th is when it's really coming. Duke's coming b...
Download / Télécharger Duke Nukem Forever Pc 13 Jun 2011 | 03:23 am
Download / Télécharger Duke Nukem Forever Pc Editeur : 2K Games Developpeur : Gearbox Software Type : FPS Sortie : 10 juin 2011 (14 juin 2011 aux Etats-Unis) Classification : Déconseillé aux - de...
2K Games and Gearbox Software Announce Borderlands® 2 Deluxe Vault Hunter’s Collector’s Edition and Ultimate Loot Chest Limited Edition 18 May 2012 | 02:36 am
Borderlands 2 to have fifth playable class, added free post-launch 10 Apr 2012 | 12:58 am
Borderlands 2 could be adding a fifth playable class to its roster after its September launch, developer Gearbox Software president Randy Pitchford revealed at their PAX East panel. The new class, kn...