Most gecko vs webkit related news are at:

The curse of iTunes encrypted iPhone / iOS backups: the password is NOT your device password (and how to recover it from OS X Keychain) 27 Aug 2013 | 07:06 am
I've often restored iOS devices from encrypted backup, so when I swapped Emily's 20 month old shattered-screen-4S for a $200 refurb [1] I wasn't expecting any restore problems. When I got the passwo....
Google's Calendar Sync with Mountain Lion is now a flaming mess 24 Aug 2013 | 06:09 am
This is what Mountain Lion shows as my Calendars as of August 2013 after standard setup against my Gmail account: The accounts I see under "Google" are the set of Calendars my Gmail account has acces...
More gecko vs webkit related news:
Opera vs Webkit 17 Mar 2013 | 06:25 pm
Jakiś czas temu (dość długie jakiś czas temu) Opera ogłosiła porzucenie swojego silnika renderowania na rzecz Webkita. Część społeczności która chciała mieć wybór zachwycona nie jest, bo wzmacnia to m...
更新情報:ブラウザ「Lunascape」追加 23 Jul 2013 | 09:32 pm
Internet Explorerで採用されている「Trident」、Firefoxで採用されている「Gecko」、Safariで採用されている「WebKit」と三種類の主要なレンダリングエンジンへ対応したトリプルエンジンのタブブラウザです。それにしても、Lunascape息が長いソフトですね。初代が公開されたのは、実に2001年8月の事らしいです。確かSleipnirと同期ぐらいですよね。二つに...
Introdução ao Canvas do HTML 5 24 Jul 2010 | 11:37 pm
O que é canvas e de onde ele surgiu? Canvas foi uma tecnolgia criada pela apple e incorporada primeiramente ao motor de renderização webkit (safari), mas tarde foi inserida no Gecko e no Opera e padr...
Avant Browser 2012 build 172, Released 6.13.2012 13 Jun 2012 | 04:20 pm
[Update] Firefox rendering engine( [Update] Chrome rendering engine(19.0.1084.56) [Fix][Gecko] Firefox.exe crashing problem aftering enabling silverlight [Fix][Webkit] For the same link...
Avant Browser 2012 build 172, Released 6.13.2012 13 Jun 2012 | 04:20 pm
[Update] Firefox rendering engine( [Update] Chrome rendering engine(19.0.1084.56) [Fix][Gecko] Firefox.exe crashing problem aftering enabling silverlight [Fix][Webkit] For the same link,Av...
and then there were three 13 Feb 2013 | 01:52 pm
Big news in the world of HTML this morning as Opera announce the end of Presto and a move to Webkit for all future products HTML rendering. Leaving the only three major rendering engines Gecko, Webkit...
简单又美观的blockqutoe格式 17 Jul 2013 | 12:56 pm
效果: 作为一名前端,我们通常要做的就是让页面在各系统浏览器上良好显示。当然,还有性能问题。不过,今天要说的是样式的兼容问题。在IE/Mozilla/Webkit/Opera四分天下的今天,IE6-9/Mozilla(Gecko)系列/Chrome/Safari/Opera etc. 这些浏览器的兼容,无不让前端们头痛。而在这之中,最让人头痛的当数IE,特别是IE6。搞定了IE6,基本也就能称...