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Why White Wolf Capital Chose Onehub 21 Aug 2013 | 08:00 pm
We recently had a conversation with our awesome client White Wolf Capital, LLC for a case study about why they chose Onehub for their Virtual Data Room needs. White Wolf is a New York-based private...
Meet Brian Moran – Onehub CTO and Co-founder Plus Outrageous Cyclist 14 Aug 2013 | 08:00 pm
Welcome to the Onehub series dedicated to helping you get to know the people that work at Onehub (you’re welcome). As you know, each month we feature a Onehub employee. This week, we have decided to h...
More geeks meet designers related news:
Your Vision 8 Feb 2012 | 08:29 am
UNITED STATES The security of a US-based company, founded in 2004 US-based project managers Incredibly dependable communication, timeliness and agility. In person meetings DESIGNERS Onshore & Of...
The Darwinian Evolution of Photoshop [Infographic] 21 Sep 2010 | 08:40 pm
Photoshop has been every geek/photographer/designers’ darling for more than a decade. This beautiful Infographic by Techking depicts the evolution of Photoshop which I am sure you are going to enjoy.
Wódka Commercial Design Study, When Humor Meets Design part 1 15 Nov 2011 | 12:04 pm
Below images were part of a school project of a design academy, they show how funny, well known lines combined with easy pictures provide a very nice package. These pictures were created by Matthijs ...
Recommended Meetings 10 May 2012 | 01:49 am
"Designing Smiles With No Preparation And Ultrathin Veneers" featuring Dr Rahul Doshi BDS (Lond.) LDSRCS (Eng.) Letchworth Garden City - Friday 29th June 2012 You will be able to learn the follo...
Marmomacc 2011 a Verona chiude positivamente: ecco i dati 18 Nov 2011 | 05:31 am
La fiera Marmomacc 2011 tenutasi a Verona dal 21 al 24 settembre chiude positivamente. Qui i dati in sintesi. La 46° edizione di Marmomacc Meets Design dal tema “Mutable Spirit”, che proponeva a prog...
Meet Designer Trina Turk and Preview her new Swim & Spa Collection at the Bal Harbour Shops 14 Mar 2011 | 02:13 am
Are you checking out Alessandra Ambrosio in her hot Trina Turk bandeau bikini on the right? That's what I thought! Here's your chance to attend a special meet-and-greet with renown designer Trina Turk...
Changing e-commerce: one social network at a time 29 Feb 2012 | 08:09 am
After many months of drawing flowcharts, having sprint meetings, designing interfaces, crunching code, a heavy Kimchi noodle diet and very, very little sleep, there’s no way we can properly describe h...
Good design vs good SEO 31 Mar 2011 | 02:21 pm
Once upon a time, website designers only had to think about design – was the website functional? Did it meet design principles? Was it user-friendly? Then, a few years back, someone cottoned on to the...
One Evening at Geek Meet 18 Feb 2011 | 11:25 am
Just got back from another great Geek Meet. Jake Archibald talked about optimizing javascript where it hurts and about writing reusable javascript. Jakes presentation was one of the best I’ve ever be...
Geek meet #2 – Craiova 2 Dec 2008 | 04:06 pm
A fost şi Geek Meet #2 aici la Craiova. Prezentările au fost interesante. Trebuie să-l felicităm pe Alin Mechenici care a făcut posibilă toată treaba. Au vorbit: Tudor Totolici – Consultant pe Strat...