Most gem install mysql related news are at: is now 8 Jan 2010 | 09:30 pm
Considering how rapidly becoming less of a forum and more of social bookmarking, it needed a new name. Domain buying experience is quite frustrating. All the good names are both taken a...
Reddit Web Server 12 Dec 2009 | 07:23 pm
As of late November 2009 – December 2009, It appears that Reddit is using Tornado web server. Interesting. You can get the same type of information by using curl (curl -I Sour...
More gem install mysql related news:
windows mysql Ruby gem 설치 에러 14 Dec 2009 | 03:39 am
windows 에 mysql ruby gem 을 설치하면 에러가 발생한다. 이것을 해결하기 위해, mysql 에 있는 libmysql.dll 파일을 ruby설치경로\bin 디렉토리에 복사한 후, $ gem install mysql --version 2.7.3 명령어로 설치하면 RDoc은 에러가 나긴 하지만, 정상적으로 사용할 수 있다. 현재 2.8 ...
Mysql : gem install mysql2 on windows 27 Mar 2012 | 07:48 pm
How to gem install mysql with reference connector ibrary ? Download mysql-connector-c-noinstall-xxxxxxxxx , วางไว้ที่ c:\ อ้างอิง : Site for sale. Ruby developer ? 20 Dec 2010 | 11:39 pm
Wah, gila nih. asyik coding di ruby jadi terganggu. Gara gara: perintah di ubuntu terminal $ gem install mysql. ERROR: does not appear to be a repository ERROR: Could not find ...
gem install mysql OS X 23 Nov 2008 | 03:17 pm
After having trouble installing mysql support for python, I ran into similar problems with ruby. To fix, first I installed a new version of MySQL from I'm not sure if this is necessary sinc...
Gem Install Heroku 19 Sep 2011 | 10:23 am
adAIR:~ dittes$ gem install heroku Fetching: term-ansicolor-1.0.6.gem (100%) Fetching: mime-types-1.16.gem (100%) Fetching: rest-client-1.6.7.gem (100%) Fetching: addressable-2.2.6.gem (100%) Fet...
Installing Mysql Gem in Ubuntu 10.10 15 Oct 2011 | 10:16 pm
For the last few hours I was trying hectically to install mysql gem in my development machine. Finally I came across this thread in superuser, which told how easy is the installation process. I though...
MySQL Workbench in Ubuntu 12.04 8 May 2012 | 01:41 pm
I just have installed MySQL Workbench in my Ubuntu 12.04 and it is working a like charm... Just run the following commands:
惯例,找个ruby中文分词 29 Dec 2010 | 08:09 pm
中文分词的看这篇文章,还没有去研究,不过即然放到gem里面,应该没有什么问题了—rmmseg #gem install rmmseg RMMSeg的官方网站在:
Upgrading from Rails 2.1.x to Rails 2.3.11 5 Apr 2012 | 04:43 am
If your application is currently on any version of Rails 2.1.x, The following changes needs to be done for upgrading your application to Rails 2.3.11 1. First install Rails version 2.3.11 gem instal...
centos5 yum 安装LNMP 20 Feb 2012 | 09:48 pm
LNMP(即linux-nginx-mysql-php)服务器一直是被认为性能高,内存占用少的服务器。 之前用lnmp一键安装,感觉时间太长,于是打算用yum安装一下试试,步骤如下 安装mysql 1、先卸载系统自带的apache,然后更新软件库 yum remove httpd yum update 2、yum安装mysql yum install mysql mysql-server 3、加入...