Most generic free use favicons web related news are at:

Facebook Buys Instagram – Should Instagram Worry? 11 Apr 2012 | 05:41 am
Facebook has bought Instagram for 1 Billion dollars. That is billion with a “B”; now the real question is what next? If you are not familiar with Instagram, it is a fun, user friendly app that revolu...
Google Is Always Watching – The Myth of Privacy Online 6 Apr 2012 | 03:04 am
Google watches our every move online. Every single person with a Gmail account now also has a Google+ account whether they want one or not. Doing this has falsely inflated the user number to 100 milli...
More generic free use favicons web related news:
Free Icon Creator - Imagicon 25 Jun 2009 | 03:39 am
I'm no graphic designer. That's why I use this tool to create an icon for my proggies and web favicons. Before I found this tool, I used to create icons using VisualStudio. And when I submit my work t...
Free Favicon Creator 5 May 2012 | 07:21 am
Use this Free Favicon Creator to make little icons for your web sites. The generator converts every GIF, JPG and PNG image to a 16×16 size favicon.ico, to a 16×16 size png preview image, to a 32×32 si...