Most genki related news are at:

Tepco to seek Niigata reactor restarts 2 Jul 2013 | 08:10 pm
Tokyo Electric Power says it will file a request with the Nuclear Regulation Authority to restart two idled reactors in Niigata Prefecture after new safety ...
Bubbles, music and paint as babies learn to create 2 Jul 2013 | 08:05 pm
For a moment, I wonder if I've accidentally strayed onto the set of a children's TV programme. Center stage are three grown men in matching ...
More genki related news:
Day Game and Getting Out Of Your Head 26 Mar 2012 | 07:48 am
Today I had another great day game session in the mall with some of my old school lair crew, specifically Genki, Ransom, and Porndawg. At the beginning I didn`t know if it was going to be great or not...
What is human genome 25 Apr 2012 | 12:51 am
Human genome and Genki Arteta Since the X chromosome in males alone, all the condition of sex-linked inheritance is due to genes on the same chromosome. In the 1930s it was found that color-blindness...
El baile muy bien sincronizado en forma grupal es muy vistoso aca les traigo una muestra de lo que estoy hablando. Genki Sudo es un grupo compuesto por 7 jovenes oriundos de Japón que hacen música y ...
Japanese - Greetings 24 Jan 2012 | 02:20 am
Hello - Konnichiwa Good morning - Ohayou Gozaimasu Good evening - Konbanwa Welcome - Youkoso Congratulations - Omedetou How are you - Ogenki desu ka I'm fine - Genki desu Okay - idesu Please -...
Genki Rockets (元気ロケッツ) 3 Apr 2011 | 02:56 pm
Genki Rockets is a concept band which (supposedly) does not really exist yet... They're from the future !! 元気ロケッツはコンセプトバンドでボーカルのLumi(モデル:ローズレイチェル)は:「2019年9月11日に誕生、宇宙で生まれ育ったまだ地球に降りたことのない30年後の17歳」・・・らしい...
Harusaki sentimental- plastic tree lyrick 21 May 2009 | 03:50 pm
春咲センチメンタル [Harusaki Sentimental] Music & Lyrics: Ryutarou haikei. kimi wa genki desu ka? hajimete tegami nanka kakimasu. boku wa nantonaku genki desu. hitori ni mo sukoshi naremashita. kaerimichi, yor...
Teljes kezdőknek 6 Sep 2010 | 10:19 pm
Ma mondtam az elsősöknek, hogy esetleg kezdjék tanulni a hiraganát, aki szeretne. Pl. itt van egy nagyon jó honlap. Az összes hiraganát nálunk két tanó・・・
Tổng hợp clip yosakoi ở Nippon Genki Matsuri in Vietnam 2012 22 Apr 2012 | 04:11 pm
Theo lệ lại lên, nhưng năm nay khác năm trước, vì Genki năm nay được tổ chức ở Hồ Chí Minh chứ không phải ở Hà Nội như năm ngoái nên mình hoàn toàn không có thời gian rảnh để làm một bài tổng hợp clip...
e.x.a.m 14 Nov 2010 | 07:07 am
hurm... minasan... ogenki desuka... hai... watahiwa genki desu.. anatamo??? doushimasuka watashi wa shiken ga arimasu... taihendesu yo.. komattana... pray me pray me
permohonan maafku 15 Sep 2009 | 03:25 pm
moshi-moshi minna san o genki desu ka??? gomen yah blogggerr akhir akhir ini aku belum sempat nambahin postingan mungkin..... mungkin baru abis lebaran nti to-kun bisa ngeposting lagi.. dan mungki...