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GIVEAWAY! Re-post this pic or give it a caption for a chance to... 16 May 2013 | 11:09 pm
GIVEAWAY! Re-post this pic or give it a caption for a chance to win a genuine signed first edition copy of GAINING GROUND by Forrest Pritchard, a honest to goodness gentleman farmer. It’s a great book...
GENTLEMAN FARMER. Forrest Pritchard, author of Gaining Ground: A... 20 May 2013 | 07:24 pm
GENTLEMAN FARMER. Forrest Pritchard, author of Gaining Ground: A Story of Farmers Markets, Local Food and Saving the Family Farm. Available now.
Jefferson’s Progressive Use of Microclimate 22 Jul 2013 | 10:36 pm
As a gentleman farmer, Thomas Jefferson was among the most forward thinking of his peers – he grew fruit trees grafted onto dwarfing rootstock, championed native species, imported European varieties, ...
Old Man Smokes With Snoop Dogg 1 Nov 2011 | 10:49 am
Old Man Smokes With Snoop Dogg Haha, this is a brilliant report on Snoop Dogg inviting a prize winning farmer to join him for a smoke at a show, but what is it they were smoking?
Dating Advice For Men – For the Distinguished Gentleman 21 May 2012 | 04:25 am
Who says that only young men have problems finding women? If you are a 20-year-old with a good body, Zac Efron-like hair and baby-blue eyes, then stop your bellyaching! Imagine what it’s like to be 40...
Beach Sayings 14 Aug 2009 | 10:48 pm
Here is a collection of best Beach Sayings and Quotes. Enjoy.... A real friend is someone who takes a winter vacation on a sun-drenched beach and does not send a card. -----Farmer’s Almanac The cure...
Get to Know Indianapolis With FunCityFinder 16 Sep 2009 | 08:25 am
Many outsiders think of Indiana as a vast state comprised only of farms, farmers and farm towns. While the Hoosier state does have a great deal of small towns and rural communities like Whiteland, Col...
Rihanna Topless In Ireland 28 Sep 2011 | 03:34 am
Rihanna Topless In Ireland (Kinda) Northern Ireland farmer and HUGE party-pooper, Alan Graham, says he doesn’t know who Rihanna is but wants her to keep her top on while on his land. Graham says he en...
The Farmer tried to milk me – ONCE… 11 Jan 2012 | 09:29 am
Thirsty crops withering 30 May 2012 | 01:24 pm
This spring’s hot and dry weather has been both a blessing and a curse for area farmers.[...]