Most geohot selling jailbreak related news are at:

Both Sides Are Better Than One - "Brain Divided" Animated Short Film 22 Aug 2013 | 01:01 am
I'm beginning to appreciate the animated short films to come out of CGBros youtube channel. Like this one that I just finished watching called "Brain Divided". I find it funny because I kind of relate...
The Trash Collector Knows - Garbage Doesn't Lie 22 Aug 2013 | 12:46 am
I always knew that the stuff I throw out will eventually tell people how I really live my life. I kind of always brag about how I only eat beluga caviar and gold plated tuna or something fancy only ri...
More geohot selling jailbreak related news:
Welcome Back Geohot to Jailbreak iOS Devices 1 Feb 2012 | 10:21 am
Welcome back Geohot, here is the one of the best news in our jailbreak history you are going to hear it, few monthes age the greatest hacker George Hotz worked at Facebook, today Geohot is leaving Fac...
PS3 Finally Hacked. Exploit Code release online. 27 Jan 2010 | 10:31 pm
GeoHot the hacker who gave you the first iPhone Jailbreak as well as the recent Blackra1n jailbreak has done it again with the release of his latest PS3 exploit which gives full memory space access an...
Start Your Jailbreak Apple TV2 Properly 11 Apr 2012 | 08:03 am
Apple TV is one of the most selling products of the year and just like the other products of apple it has very good features that allow users to watch their videos anywhere and anytime. To keep their ...
About iPad OS 28 Dec 2010 | 01:22 am
Apple has seeded the final Game master release of iOS 4.2 to designers. The recently produced Redsn0w 0.9.6b2 (based on Geohot’s Limera1n) can jailbreak every one of the present iOS systems, even jail...
Predam iPhone Prodam 19 Mar 2008 | 12:08 am
Predam iPhone | Prodam iPhone Are you looking to “prodam” or Predam your iphone? Predam iPhone and Prodam Iphone means Jailbreak or hack in Croation, It’s funny becaus ein russian it means “Sell”.We’...
iPad 2 is Not Susceptible to LimeRa1n or SHAtter Jailbreaks 13 Mar 2011 | 01:43 am
Musclenerd has announced that as predicted the iPad 2 is not susceptible to Limera1n. iPad2 bootrom version iBoot-838.3 means it was compiled March’10. Seems geohot guessed right: limera1n was alread...
Geohot de volta ao jailbreak? 29 Jan 2012 | 12:44 pm
O hacker Geohot, famoso por suas ferramentas para o jailbreak, pediu para sair do Facebook, onde trabalhava a algum tempo. O Geohot foi encontrado participando de um campeonato para hackers, ele não v...
Been on any of Geohot websites? Sony Tracks your IP... 6 Mar 2011 | 02:46 pm
Sony is acting like a crazy guy. It looks like Sony will never stop fighting against PS3 jailbreakers especially Geohot. A federal magistrate is granting Sony the right to obtain the IP addresses of a...
GeoHot ritorna sul campo per il Jailbreak di iPad 2 5 May 2011 | 02:17 am
L’iPad 2 ancora non è stato violato dal Jailbreak e proprio per questo motivo alcuni famosi hacker hanno iniziato la corse a chi riuscirà per primo. GeoHot, il padre del primo jailbreak per... Contin...
GeoHot rilascia la versione più stabile di Limera1n, il nuovo tool di sblocco per il jailbreak del firmware 4.1, anche per 3Gs con nuovo bootrom 13 Oct 2010 | 03:08 am
Finalmente è uscito il tanto atteso jailbreak per il 4.1; GeoHot ci ha messo la solita pezza, spiazzando un pò il mondo hacker per aver anticipato a sorpresa il tanto atteso Greenp0ison. Il Dev team h...