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The Future just started. Or: Social is real (life) 10 May 2012 | 03:43 am
Posted by Rolf Mathies One thing is for sure: the future (e.g. in e-commerce) is social. But this is no surprise. Life has always been social! Social network, social commerce, social gaming is age old...
The Future just started. Or: Social is real (life) 9 May 2012 | 11:43 pm
Posted by Rolf Mathies One thing is for sure: the future (e.g. in e-commerce) is social. But this is no surprise. Life has always been social! Social network, social commerce, social gaming is age old...
More gerrit schumann related news:
The art of Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli - Deutsche Grammophon - 8 CDs 29 Jun 2011 | 01:58 am
ARTURO BENEDETTI MICHELANGELI Works by Beethoven · Brahms · Chopin · Debussy Mozart · Schubert ·Schumann Wiener Symphoniker · NDR-Sinfonieorchester Carlo Maria Giulini · Cord Garben Deutche Grammopho...
Récital de piano : CHOPIN, SCHUMANN, GRIEG 7 Jul 2010 | 05:30 am
Bienvenue dans WordPress. Ceci est votre premier article. Modifiez-le ou supprimez-le, puis lancez-vous ! Bienvenue dans WordPress. Ceci est votre premier article. Modifiez-le ou supprimez-le, puis la...
Gerrit Noordzij, 1931 14 Feb 2012 | 12:11 am
Writing is not a series of strokes, but space, divided into characteristic shapes by strokes.
So sollte und so kann Schumann klingen - wie alte und neue Platten beweisen 8 Mar 2008 | 05:24 am
Ein neues Label macht sich (hoffentlich nachhaltig) daran, die offenen Repertoirelücken in Sergiu Celibidaches Hinterlassenschaft aus der Münchner Zeit zu schließen! Mehr dazu gleich im dritten Absatz...
Memorial Donation 29 Feb 2012 | 03:43 pm
Robert F. Schumann Memorial Gift The Madison Land Conservation Trust received a generous donation of $25,000 from Ford Schumann in memory of his brother Robert F. Schumann, who passed away on Decembe...
HOE CORRUPT IS BUMA/STEMRA? [dutch only] 2 Dec 2011 | 04:31 am
Bestuurder Jochem Gerrits toont zich omkoopbaar. Pijnlijke uitzending van Pownews gisteravond. Tijdens een opgenomen telefoongesprek doetBuma/Stemra-bestuurder Jochem Gerrits een schaamteloos voorste...
Wilhelm Walter Friedrich Kempff – One of the Best 20th Century German Pianist and Composor 21 Aug 2011 | 07:30 pm
Wilhelm Walter Friedrich Kempff was born on 25 November 1895 and deceased on 23 May 1991 was a great German pianist and composer. Although his repertory included Bach, Liszt, Chopin, Schumann, and......
Peter Leibing 16 Aug 2011 | 10:41 am
El 15 de Agosto de 1961, Peter Leibing, fotoperiodista que trabajaba para la agencia de Hamburgo Contiepress, captaba, para la historia, el momento en que el guardia fronterizo Conrad Schumann de la A...
La mujer en la música 8 Mar 2010 | 11:18 pm
…Alguna vez creí que tenía talento creativo, pero he renunciado a esta idea; una mujer no debe desear componer. Ninguna ha sido capaz de hacerlo, así que ¿por qué podría esperarlo yo? Clara Schumann ...
Peter Liebing: La fugida del guarda del Mur de Berlín 27 May 2008 | 09:46 am
El 15 d'agost de 1961 el soldat de l'Alemanya de l'Est Hans Conrad Schumann es va convertir en la primera persona en escapar de la República Democràtica d'Alemanya. Fou durant el tercer dia de constru...