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AAA Logo 2009 Business Edition 3.0 Portable 22 Jun 2009 | 03:07 pm
AAA Logo é uma ferramenta para criar logomarcas e logotipos profissionais para impressão ou para a Internet em minutos. Inicie com cerca de 100 modelos e comece a criar o seu a partir de rascunhos ba...
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 1.38 Multilingual 18 Jun 2009 | 05:36 pm
Com o Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, você varre seu computador em busca de malwares e, caso os encontre, pode eliminá-los sem dó. Malware é a abreviação de malicious software (software malígno). O intuit...
More get data back portable related news:
Get Data Back 4.0 [FRENCH] [MF] 6 Mar 2012 | 11:13 pm
Description : Un des logiciels les plus puissants pour récupérer des données. GetDataBack possède de plus un excellent module d'aide. Un must ! GetDataBack fait partie des logiciels conçus pour v...
Arduino I2C Master Library - UPDATED 8 Aug 2011 | 09:28 am
So one day I was trying to interface to a Freescale MMA8451Q accelerometer, for a project I was working on, and I was having a difficult time getting data back from the registers. After some investig...
Get data back by using file recovery software 1 Jan 2013 | 04:00 am
Yesterday I talk about how to repair damage partition table by using TestDisk. How about if the solution did not work? What you should do? The best solution here is to recover the files inside the dam...
Getting the run around. 27 May 2012 | 02:59 pm
Protest at #frantech and make them give us our data back! Letter stated this... We will be unable to provide any data from these services. Due to the legal attention we received f...
Business Services 22 Nov 2010 | 09:32 am
MacLife means business. When your company needs help, our Apple Certified technical team gets the show on the road. When you need hardware or network services, regular IT support, data back-up soluti...
Data Recovery on Mac or Hitachi Computer systems 10 Feb 2011 | 12:58 am
Data recovery is different on each and every laptop or computer. When you have to get files back again, you’ll want to call in professional difficult disk data recovery specialists. Mac, Hitachi, and ...
Data Recovery on Mac or Hitachi Computer systems 10 Feb 2011 | 12:58 am
Data recovery is various on each computer. When you need to get files back, you’ll desire to call in expert hard disk data recovery experts. Mac, Hitachi, and other manufacturers and designs of comput...
Free Data Recovery Tools 8 Apr 2008 | 08:03 pm
If you have lost your data, and your hardware was not damaged, there is a chance to get your data back. There’s a plenty of free system recovery tools available on the Internet. Here’s a round up of f...
Runtime GetDataBack for NTFS & FAT 4.32 Full + Crack 9 Apr 2013 | 04:05 pm
Runtime GetDataBack for NTFS & FAT 4.32 Full + Crack Runtime GetDataBack for NTFS & FAT 4.32 Full is a highly advanced data recovery software, which will help you to get your data back when your driv...
9 FREE Data Recovery Softwares 15 May 2013 | 02:12 pm
One of the most often asked questions that people ask is, “How Do I Get My Data Back?“ Well, it’s really not a black magic or rocket science. It’s just a matter of having the right tools.. Files you h...