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关于一年成长的几点思绪 26 Jul 2012 | 04:49 pm
昨天续签劳动合同我才恍然发现,晃晃悠悠的我在大公司上班也一年了。 我是一个不太安分的小青年,年幼无知的时候被拜金主义毒害,虽然有一颗善良的心,却对金钱爱之又爱。于是我想养活自己,想赚钱,想买大house,想开跑车,想一切我未曾拥有的奢华和弥贵。所以,一直以来我在社会和书籍中寻找着点石成金的办法,后来我发现社会主义的优越性主要在于社会的稳定和人民的差不多满足上被体现,而资本主义的优越性才是资本的发...
关于孝顺 23 Jun 2012 | 10:02 pm
曾经有个混蛋,所有人都骂他是混蛋,吃喝嫖赌抽,坑蒙拐骗偷,样样不落,但他是我的朋友,是我这辈子的朋友,原因很简单,他是个孝子。 在我所有的价值观里,孝顺是第一位的,可能出身于卑微的家庭,孝字当先成了我的准则。我将所有的人际关系正向排序,第一的是父母,第二的是自己,其次才是各路朋友,尽管我是个自恋的孩子,重情义的孩子。 历史上有名的孝子太多,不一一列举。只是想说古人造词的确讲究,说一个孝子不仅需...
More getting real 中文 related news:
Hybrid Dependency Injection : The Code Snippet 23 Oct 2008 | 07:15 am
Typing those external dependency properties by hand can get real annoying, so today I've made a handy snippet I'd thought I'd share. With this snippet, when needing an external dependency...
Get real. Follow your dream. 15 May 2012 | 09:35 pm
“The sad face of dreamers, waking to the life that passed them by. They follow forever the flame that holds their eyes.” Keep up with the flame. Make things happen. In 2006, Chicago-based band Wax ...
New Year toast to the contributors and commentors of Get Real Philippines! 31 Dec 2011 | 01:39 pm
I'd like to take the time to extend my thanks to the men and women who set apart the Get Real Philippines Network and communities from the rest of the noise of the Philippine National "Debate". I fin...
Really? Thanks 28 Jul 2011 | 01:44 am
Off birth control for good today! Kind of hasn't hit me yet because even if I wasn't, I'd be at this juncture this month. Next week is when it really gets real and I don't go back on birth control at ...
Education | Online Education Services 14 Jul 2011 | 04:11 am
Education – Online Education Services You may not know what kind of difficulty you are in due to the political and social circumstances that affect your life in this country. Let me get real persona...
Internet promotion and online marketing 20 Jul 2010 | 11:20 pm
Now that the website is live, we just relax and wait for all that traffic and recognition, right? Get real! Internet promotion and online marketing require ongoing care and attention. The good news i...
Lets Get Real... 30 Apr 2012 | 08:24 pm
We work in a variety of large environments, networks from 30k hosts up to 100k hosts and like many of you one of our jobs is to provide security advice to our customers. In the infosec industry many t...
Look At These Guidelines If You Are Considering Getting Real Estate Property 30 May 2012 | 08:09 pm
Getting house, particularly a family group property, is a very well-liked goal and for some, even becomes the start of a brand new real estate property career. Being capable to make sure that you migh...
Purchasing Real-estate? Get The Most On Your Funds 30 May 2012 | 08:11 pm
Do you reckon you really know every single suggestion you should know about getting real-estate? You can find stuff that even seasoned buyers tend not to know. The ideas offered in the following parag...
Agreement in Principle 27 Oct 2011 | 03:36 am
Leaders lead change. To get real change, it is incumbent upon the leader to develop buy-in to the vision by the followers and get agreement on the path forward to implement the vision. Or else suffe...