Most getty contract related news are at:

Staying Safe: Mobile Phone Security 24 Jun 2013 | 03:35 pm
As we increasingly take our mobile phones for granted David Hoffman suggests that photographers should be alert to the dangers of carrying a sophisticated monitoring device in their pocket, especially...
ERRA: You could not make it up 23 May 2013 | 08:19 pm
Much has already been written about the changes to copyright contained in the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act 2013, but you haven’t heard the half of it yet. EPUK moderator Tony Sleep takes time ...
More getty contract related news:
World’s Most Tattooed Woman 19 Jul 2010 | 12:08 am
Julia Gnuse – nicknamed the ‘illustrated lady’ – has 95 per cent of her body covered in ink, ranging from jungle scenes and cartoons to her favourite actors. Miss Gnuse, from California, started getti...
How to Make More Money as a Technology Freelancer 3 Mar 2012 | 03:20 am
Posted on One Tip A Day - What Will You Learn Today? This is a guest post by David. If you want to guest post on this site, then please read our guidelines here. Freelancing and contracting can b...
iYogi taps Verizon to connect 2000 techs to 100,000 customers 10 Apr 2012 | 11:06 pm
iYogi in the news Get the latest iYogi taps Verizon to connect 2000 techs to 100,000 customers By Stuart Corner 11 March, 2010 PC technical support services provider iYogi, has contracted Verizon...
How to Get Exactly What You Want 16 Jul 2010 | 04:42 pm
J. Paul Getty was quoted for his formula for success: “Rise early, work hard, strike oil.” When I first ran across this quote ten years ago, I had to laugh, because it looked like Getty was saying yo...
Static Contraction and Power Factor Now on Nook 22 May 2012 | 10:36 pm
For those of you waiting for my workouts to be available in the Nook format I am happy to report that you can now buy them at the Barnes & Noble website. Here are the links: Have a great workout!
WHY TRADE NIFTY? 13 Feb 2012 | 08:47 pm
If you want to earn money in the stock market, then don’t deal in stocks – trade the nifty. Nifty Futures is also a financial instrument in which futures contracts are done on the basis of S&P Nifty ...
.NET/Silverlight Developer Needed 15 Nov 2011 | 06:37 am
The State of Oregon Public Health Department needs a rockstar .NET and Silverlight developer to customize a health and hospital information application. The position is a six-month contract, and is o...
What phone should I get next? 30 Oct 2009 | 01:01 am
Well guys and gals. It’s that time again. The mobile phone contract is up for renewal and I am free again to compare-the-meerkat for my next mobile phone. With all the time I spend doing other things,...
What is Credit Value Adjustment (CVA) in Accounting? 17 Feb 2011 | 05:45 am
Counterparty credit risk (CVA) is the risk that the counterparty to a financial contract will default prior to the expiration of the contract and will not make all the payments required by the contrac...
10 May 2012 - Higher Payouts now Available. 10 May 2012 | 09:00 pm
In response to feedback received, clients may now choose to place trades with higher limits on our most popular contracts. The maximum payout has now increased from 50,000 USD/EUR/GBP/AUD to 75,000 US...