Most ghost bikes related news are at:

Time 27 Aug 2013 | 08:50 pm
Oy, it’s been a week. A few things: First, there are two poets lined up for Refinery! I promise you both that I’ll get to them, and I have read both poems already. I just need to find some time to ac...
Carlos Amorales, “Black Cloud” 20 Aug 2013 | 09:03 pm
Random ekphrasis is what’s on tap today. A while back, at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, was this piece by Carlos Amorales that consist of tens of thousands of black paper moths affixed to all the su...
More ghost bikes related news:
Ghost Bikes bringen Fun 17 Mar 2012 | 02:18 am
I Biken mit Ghost Bikes für Fun und Action Nach dem langen Winter sehnen sich die meisten Menschen wieder nach frischer Luft, Bewegung und Abwechslung. Viele zieht es wieder hinaus in die Natur, die...
Ghost bikes in Cincinnati 13 Sep 2012 | 08:52 pm
My obligations with MoBo are coming to an end. I haven't really done much for the co-op since the Kid's Day race which was August 12th. I took a couple weeks off after that, and then I got sick. They ...
Voorpagina 15 Feb 2012 | 09:43 pm
Nieuw bij ons ghost fietsen .atb . mtb . race Ghost dealer Wij zijn dealer van ghost fietsen, hoogwaardige mountainbikes, racefietsen en toebehoren gericht op...
August break: Ghost bikes 20 Aug 2013 | 01:00 pm
Your ghostcycle Friday open thread 10 Aug 2013 | 07:32 am
by liberal japonicus A wander through some links turned up this Wikipedia entry. A ghost bike or ghostcycle is a bicycle set up as a roadside memorial in a place where a cyclist has been killed or s...
Freeride Ghost Team 2 Ymitos. 31 Jul 2012 | 11:57 pm
Η ομάδα του από Τρίπολη οργάνωσε φωτογράφηση για προώθηση προϊόντων στον Υμηττό: GHOST Bikes & EVOC Bags.
Anne Alt might attend Bert Travis's event 27 Aug 2013 | 07:20 am
Anne Alt might attend Bert Travis's event Ghost bike placement at 135th and Ridgeland at 135th and Ridgeland. Sw corner September 2, 2013 from 4pm to 6pm gathering for dedication of Ghost bike to m...
Motorbike Racer Gets Lucky 15 Sep 2011 | 05:48 am
Motorbike Racer Gets Lucky During the Manx GP this year, the rider ahead crashes and his bike goes up in flames, the rider we're onboard with goes through the resulting fireball and somehow misses the...
Bike Windshields Offer Increased Comfort 31 May 2011 | 07:48 am
A lot of motorcycles arrive from a showroom or manufacturer with no windshield, quite a few having the option to buy one as an optional extra. Additionally, there are many substitute and aftermarket b...
Four cool Harley Davidson bike accessories 25 May 2011 | 02:19 am
Harley Davidson doesn’t just manufacture bikes, it created a way of life with all its collectibles and gifts. They made sure that being a Harley Davidson fan one can choose variety of things to show t...