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Giant - Mark Renshaw 4 Mar 2012 | 08:41 pm
CLIENT: Giant Bicycles JOB: Mark Renshaw CONTRIBUTION: shoot, offline, online, sound, design
Giant Bicycle Chain Sculptures of Meditating Faces 2 Apr 2013 | 09:09 am
Korean sculptor Young-Deok Seo turn ordinary bicycle chains into extraordinary figurative sculptures. His latest project—Meditation—is a series of impressively large faces, deep in thought. Via MyMod...
ESCAPE AIRから始まる生活 29 Jun 2013 | 06:50 pm
思い切って自転車通勤をするべく、クロスバイクを買ってしまいました! GIANT Bicycle の中でも、どちらかというとエントリーモデル的な位置づけと思われる「ESCAPE AIR」の2013モデル、カラーは春に追加されたマットブルーです。 兎にも角にも、現在の私は人生で最重量を記録中…。 もちろん、完全なメタボ体形となっておりまする…。 今すぐ対策をとらなければ今後の人生に絶対に影響が...
700 mountain wheel.? help 27 Aug 2013 | 02:36 pm Hello .. My friend needs a rear wheel for his giant mountain bike which was involved in an accedint. Above is the specs for the bike The strang...
700 mountain wheel.? help 27 Aug 2013 | 02:36 pm Hello .. My friend needs a rear wheel for his giant mountain bike which was involved in an accedint. Above is the specs for the bike The strang...
Giant TRANDIST SL – フラットロード購入候補その2 26 Aug 2013 | 10:43 am
□ 2013 Giant Bicycle [TRADIST SL] シンプルなデザイン、アルミフレームにクロモリフォーク。ホリゾンタルなフレームがカッコ良い。FCR1 よりは遅そうだが、乗り心地は良さそう。84,000円なり。
May 10, Giant Bikes 11 May 2012 | 03:10 am
Giant Bikes are a bicycle manufacturer based out of Taichung City, Taiwan. It’s one of the world’s largest bike companies, with stores all over the world.
Beanstalk Cycles takes on Giant head to head with better bikes at better prices! 1 May 2011 | 05:40 am
Beanstalk Cycles takes on Giant head to head with better bikes at better prices! Finally a company has entered the bicycle market and passed on the savings to the customer from the big margins the ind...
Alek S edited FrontPage 12 Dec 2008 | 12:31 pm
Christy Webber Cargo Bike Wecome To Team Christy Webber's Wiki Page Here you will be able to explore with us our Ideation,design, and construction process. Mission Statement:To Create a bicycle traile...
Jersey Shore Shark Attack (2012) blu-ray 11 Aug 2012 | 01:16 am
IMDB Rating: 3.4/10 from 450 users Top: Youtube Wiki Story: Many years ago, hundreds of locals and tourists were massacred by giant man-eating sharks in the infamous 1916 Jersey Shore attacks. But tha...