Most ginger curry soup related news are at:

Indianapolis 14 May 2011 | 10:13 am
So Indianapolis is behind us and we are driving onwards to st Louis. I don't remember seeing this many 18-wheelers the last time we drove through thee middle west. I am enjoying being able to post fro...
Mofo #8 Cookbooks You Don't Use Nearly Enough 10 Oct 2009 | 11:46 am
i know we just did one of these, but we're doing one again! tonight: "vegan taste of france" by linda majzlik. i know, i know. we did a vegan taste of... book last time. too bad. for dinner tonight,...
More ginger curry soup related news:
Coconut Ginger Vegetable Soup 3 Jan 2012 | 08:38 pm
Getting bored with your soup routine? Try this flavorful vegan Thai vegetable soup to excite your tastebuds. Visit for the rest of this delicious post.
Banana & Chicken Curry Soup Recipe by Chiquita® 16 Mar 2012 | 10:58 pm Enjoy this healthy Banana & Chicken Curry Soup recipe, made with fresh chicken, bananas and coconut milk. Link: Banana & Ch...
Hanoi Phở 8 Aug 2011 | 01:29 pm
Normally, Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside isn’t my first choice for grabbing some grub. That’s pretty obvious. Then, one day, I heard about Hanoi Phở and their excellent curried soup. Always on the look...
Curry laksa 6 Dec 2009 | 09:37 pm
Laksa is almost everywhere available. Basically there are two types of laksa: curry laksa (curry mee) and assam laksa. The curry laksa is served in a coconut curry soup while assam laksa refers to noo...
オフェンバー 24 Mar 2013 | 08:40 am
またまたブログの更新サボってました。遊びに来てくれた方すみません。さて、遅ればせながら近況報告をしたいと思います。Twitterやfacebookなどやってる方はご存知かと思いますが、2月22日より辻堂のMINAMI CURRY&SOUP.さんでアジア・エスニック料理をメインとしたDJバーを始めました。同時に、音楽活動もやってるので週一という形ですが、地元のアーティストやクリエーターさんたちの交流...
Khao Soi Curry Noodles 19 Aug 2013 | 01:11 pm
Thailand’s take on Malay Laksa Noodles is Chiang Mai’s specialty, Khao Soi. In this hearty noodle dish, squiggly egg noodles are bathed in a thick coconut curry soup, fragrant with fresh herbs, spices...
Ginger Scallion Soup 20 Mar 2013 | 10:23 pm
As I sat down with the intent to compose a post all about the glories of soup this morning (more on that in a minute), it came to my attention that I never formally introduced our new family member on...
夏野菜とチキンのグリーンカレー 【辻堂 MINAMI curry&soup(ミナミカレースープ)】 14 Aug 2013 | 02:56 am
◆MINAMI curry&soup(ミナミカレースープ) 神奈川県藤沢市辻堂5-20-16 TEL 0466-77-6731 OPEN 11:00~22:00(日曜は21:00まで) 定休日 月曜、毎月最後の日曜 ◆この日は、ランチの当てもなく。The Market SE1さんでジェラート・・・ ランチ、どこに行こうかと思っていたら、MINAMI curry&soupさんの気まぐれカ・・・
Golden Lentil Soup 15 Jan 2011 | 03:39 pm
I made this tonight January 17, 2011. I loved the Tibetan curried lentils so much I was not sure this dish would top the other. Well, they are both absolutely delicious and completely different that...
Mutton Red Curry 11 Mar 2011 | 08:50 pm
Ingredients :- Mutton - 500 gm Potatoes - 225 gm Green chilies - 5 gm Ginger - a small piece Coconut - 1pcs Coriander - 15 gm Onion - 55 gm Red chilies - 10 gm Turmeric - a pinch ...