Most gingerbread house paper mache related news are at:
– Gingerbread Snowflakes | A blog about winter celebrations
Christmas and Winter Holiday Cookies: Pfeffernüsse 24 Aug 2013 | 05:45 am
Pfeffernüsse! Lovely, fragrant, tasty Pfeffernüsse! One of the oldest spicy cookies in northern Europe and known and beloved by the Dutch as Pepernoten! Translation of both words - "pepper nuts"! I h...
Book Review: "Quilting Happiness" by Christina Lane and Diane Gilleland 20 Aug 2013 | 04:36 am
Quilting Happiness: Projects, Inspiration and Ideas to Make Quilting More Joyful written by Christina Lane and Diane Gilleland. The minute you open the book to the introduction, you will begin to fin...