Most git freebsd related news are at:

Аналог who lock me в windows 7 19 Dec 2011 | 05:27 am
Была такая утилита, who lock me, которая замечательно работала в windows xp. Утилита позволяет узнать какой процесс блокирует файл или папку в windows. К сожалению, в windows seven она уже не работает... | Как сделать сайт на Django | GWT 6 Nov 2010 | 07:00 pm
Посмотрел я на дерево жанров и оно мне не понравилось. Страшное, неудобное. И решил сразу заняться клиентской стороной. Тем более у нас есть отличнейший повод! Итак, настроим gwt. Скачиваем eclipse 3...
More git freebsd related news:
ÇİÇEK VE SU.. 7 Apr 2011 | 12:59 am
Günün birinde bir çiçekle su karşılaşır ve arkadaş olurlar. İlk önceleri güzel bir arkadaşlık olarak devam eder birliktelikleri, tabii zaman lâzımdır birbirlerini tanımak için. Gel zaman, git zaman...
5 reasons I love SASS – The Future of CSS and Stylesheets 23 May 2012 | 03:20 pm
My introduction to SASS (Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets) started with the Mobify platform, where I was introduced to SASS, Kaffeine, Dust JS and Git in mass amounts. At first, I was reluctant to us...
AppleDouble und andere Mac spezifischen Dateien auf einer Samba Freigabe ausblenden 5 Mar 2011 | 10:58 am
Mein kleines Heimnetzwerk besteht hauptsächlich aus Windows Clients, meinem MacBook und einem FreeBSD Server. Serverseitig gebe ich meine Daten via Netatalk (Mac) und Samba (Windows) frei. Nun hat Mac...
Bash autocompletion for Git 6 Apr 2011 | 08:36 pm
One thing I often wished to have when using Git was the ability to autocomplete Git commands and branch names. As I had to learn this week from Markus Prinz’ article A few of my Git tricks, tips and w...
Git-as-sync, not source-control-as-deployment 14 Feb 2012 | 10:30 pm
I don’t like systems that use git push for deployment (Heroku et al). Why? I do a lot of this: $ git push deploy ... realize I forgot a domain name ... $ git commit -m "fix domain name" -a ; git pu...
HOWTO: Create and submit your first Linux kernel patch using GIT 27 Feb 2011 | 03:09 pm
After working with Linux (mostly as an advanced user) for years, I decided to post my first Linux kernel patch (although trivial but hey you need to start somewhere!) and I was thrilled when it first ...
TIP: Getting rid of permission error when compiling kernel from GIT source 13 Jan 2011 | 12:49 pm
Problem So recently I was in a situation where I had to use the git-bisect tool to find a bug that was causing my system to hang during early boot. One of the first step to do that is to get kernel gi...
Windows Server Hyper-V будет поддерживать FreeBSD 15 May 2012 | 03:48 am
На конференции BSDCan 2012 компания Microsoft вместе со своими партнерами компаниями NetApp и Citrix объявила о том, что операционная система FreeBSD будет поддерживаться гипервизором Hyper-V. Соответ...
How to: Install PHP w/ FPM + Memcached + GD + MySQL on FreeBSD 8 1 Dec 2011 | 12:24 am
Enjoy our step-by-step guide to configuring PHP 5 with FPM, NGinx Web server, Memcached and MySQL 5.1, on FreeBSD 8: 1. Install FreeBSD 7 compatibility and standard packages cd /usr/ports/misc/compa...
I don't git it 20 Mar 2011 | 04:56 am
Adding a tag to a git tree is not hard, as long as you know the secret parameters. Deleting a tag is another story. Here's what you'd expect to work... Despite the assurances "Deleted tag..." and "E...