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Аналог who lock me в windows 7 19 Dec 2011 | 05:27 am
Была такая утилита, who lock me, которая замечательно работала в windows xp. Утилита позволяет узнать какой процесс блокирует файл или папку в windows. К сожалению, в windows seven она уже не работает... | Как сделать сайт на Django | GWT 6 Nov 2010 | 07:00 pm
Посмотрел я на дерево жанров и оно мне не понравилось. Страшное, неудобное. И решил сразу заняться клиентской стороной. Тем более у нас есть отличнейший повод! Итак, настроим gwt. Скачиваем eclipse 3...
More git freebsd install related news:
howto:bsd:install:freebsd - Created FreeBSD Installation Instruction Page. 19 Jul 2013 | 05:45 am
Introduction Serviio via the FreeBSD Ports collection is not too difficult to set up. It will, however, take some time to compile based on the speed of your PC. The following instructions were adapte...
How to: Install PHP w/ FPM + Memcached + GD + MySQL on FreeBSD 8 1 Dec 2011 | 12:24 am
Enjoy our step-by-step guide to configuring PHP 5 with FPM, NGinx Web server, Memcached and MySQL 5.1, on FreeBSD 8: 1. Install FreeBSD 7 compatibility and standard packages cd /usr/ports/misc/compa...
Installing RVM 19 Sep 2011 | 10:17 am
RVM is a Ruby Version Manager. Its pretty easy to install if you use the guide given on the website: To install and/or update the latest code from the github repository ( requires git ): You can als...
Update Locate Database on FreeBSD 1 Apr 2009 | 04:25 am
Have the system we are using FreeBSD, we are searching the files. When using whereis can not find the file, then we will use locate. However, if our system has been installed, we often see an error m...
FreeBSD Upgrade Release ke Stable 15 Mar 2010 | 07:55 pm
Installasi CVSUP : # whereis cvsup-without-gui cvsup-without-gui: /usr/ports/net/cvsup-without-gui # cd /usr/ports/net/cvsup-without-gui/ # make install clean Tunggu sampe selesai installasinya ...
Using git over SSH 11 May 2012 | 04:21 am
Using git over ssh: Use studio’s “New PHP Project from git” wizard to checkout from git with both protocols OR To work with CLI , follow instructions in the following links to install git client: ...
Windows Tools: Git, Drush with Acquia Dev Desktop 20 Jan 2012 | 08:13 am
If you need to use Windows for Drupal development, you can still have access to some of the useful Linux/Drupal tools. In this video, we're going to show how to install Acquia Dev Desktop for Windows,...
How to install hub for GitHub on Linux Mint and Ubuntu 21 Feb 2012 | 09:21 am
hub is a command-line wrapper for git. It’s not immediately obvious how to install it from a fresh Ubuntu or Linux Mint install, so here goes. Install Ruby First off, hub is a Ruby program. So we’l...
Mount ISO image di FreeBSD 16 Feb 2010 | 11:08 am
Mau Install salah satu aplikasi lewat port tapi lagi ngak bisa ke internet, yah akhirnya perlu mount CD ISO image Freebsd aja biar cepet. Cara mount ISO mudah kok , berikut langkah-langkahnya : untu...
Installasi FreeBSD, Compile kernel dan SQUID 16 Feb 2010 | 08:56 am
Install FreeBSD di HDD SATA saya dengan kapasitas 120G, dengan pastisi : Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity Mounted on Sebelumnya jangan lupa ketika membuat partisinya, flag bootable nya di berikan...