Most git pull remote branch related news are at:

Jeff Hawkins – Hierarchical Temporal Memory 19 Jul 2013 | 03:38 am
The future of AI.
Joel Pitt on AI, AGI, The Singularity and Computing Power 7 Jul 2011 | 01:07 pm
NNW1 – Consciousness, AGI, and the Singularity from nerdnite wellington on Vimeo. Below is from wikipedia about the increasing rate of processing power.
More git pull remote branch related news:
Branching in Git with Remote Tracking 3 Aug 2012 | 11:23 pm
Problem: we would like to set up a new branch off of an existing branch in a remote and make sure local/remote tracking is set up properly. In this example, our remote is Github and we are trying to ...
Creating a branch in Git 19 Oct 2012 | 05:28 pm
Here is a short post explaining how to create a local or remote branch in Git using command line. To create a local branch: git branch <branchname> To check the branch has been cr...
git-svn-nano-tutorial - created 6 Nov 2012 | 07:04 pm
Checkout Pull remote updates from SVN Push local updates to SVN Make sure things are fine before pushing Create a SVN branch Make sure things are fine before creating Create a local branch from ...
Git and tracking branches 29 Mar 2013 | 05:47 pm
Tracking branches are local branches that tracks and pulls from a branch that exist in remote. Here are some actions you do dealing with tracking branches. Create a new branch story45 as a tracking br...
Git rebase + stash 小技巧 18 Aug 2013 | 08:37 am
每天打開電腦,第一件事情就是將專案程式碼更新的最新,以便整合同事新開發的功能,免的跟自己寫的功能衝突,所以最常用用的就是 git pull –rebase origin master,此命令使用 rebase 來取代 merge 程式碼,也可以避免在 log 清單內出現 merge branch master into master 等字樣,但是如果在開發一半進度時,想同時將同事的程式碼先 mer...
GIT: Lokale Änderungen mit Remote Branch überschreiben 2 Aug 2013 | 12:55 pm
So können Sie einen lokalen GIT Branch auf den Stand eines Remote Branches zurücksetzen und alle gemachten Änderungen damit überschreiben. Es kommt immer mal wieder vor, dass man lokale Änderungen ma...
小惡魔AppleBOY: Git rebase + stash 小技巧 18 Aug 2013 | 12:37 am
每天打開電腦,第一件事情就是將專案程式碼更新的最新,以便整合同事新開發的功能,免的跟自己寫的功能衝突,所以最常用用的就是 git pull –rebase origin master,此命令使用 rebase 來取代 merge 程式碼,也可以避免在 log 清單內出現 merge branch master into master 等字樣,但是如果在開發一半進度時,想同時將同事的程式碼先 mer...
Links for 2010-09-24 [] 25 Sep 2010 | 07:00 pm
Moving your git repos and all branches to a new remote repository
Trabalhando em Grupo em um mesmo branch no git 17 Oct 2009 | 07:58 am
Problema: Trabalhar em grupo em um branch que não seja o master usando git. Solução: Considerando que o repositório já está ok, e você já está conectado no remote: Aqui estão os passos para criar o...
Git Extensions Quick Tip – Updating remotes 22 Feb 2011 | 08:05 pm
I have both a desktop and a laptop that I work on and use Git Extensions. Every so often I create a branch on one machine, commit it and then push it to my remote origin. My problem is that when I boo...