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Mirroring repositories 3 Jun 2013 | 05:00 am
If you would like to mirror all or a subset of git repositories, please use a tool we wrote for this purpose, called grokmirror. Grokmirror is git-aware and will create a complete mirror of...
Fifty shades of Tux 7 May 2013 | 05:00 am
Special thanks to Benoît Monin for donating a MIT-licensed CSS theme to the project to replace the one we hastily put together. Though the Pelican authors have since obtained a free-license...
More git tutorial related news:
The smallest git tutorial you’ll ever need 1 Oct 2010 | 06:31 pm
Let me preface with this: this is over-simplified for someone just getting started with git, who does not have the time to learn all the intricacies of git, and covers the most common workflow I’ve en...
Git tutorial for better github etiquette 14 Feb 2012 | 11:45 am
Mostly, this is a note to me because, while I use git is and understand what the commands do when it comes to github I find myself intimidated. The public work can you see there done for the benefit o...
Git Tutorial by Atlassian 27 Jul 2013 | 04:45 pm
1. Git Basics If you’ve never used Git before, this is the place to start. The Git Basics tutorial shows you how to configure your Git installation, set up a new repository, and use the fundamental G...
ÇİÇEK VE SU.. 7 Apr 2011 | 12:59 am
Günün birinde bir çiçekle su karşılaşır ve arkadaş olurlar. İlk önceleri güzel bir arkadaşlık olarak devam eder birliktelikleri, tabii zaman lâzımdır birbirlerini tanımak için. Gel zaman, git zaman...
Cereal Box House Tutorial 4 Dec 2009 | 03:46 pm
I have had this tutorial on my mind for so long! I love little houses and creating wee villages, definitely a carry over from my childhood, and have been wanting to make some of my own to play decorat...
design and development blogs 16 Mar 2010 | 04:36 am
Graphic Design and Website Development Blogs For Designers: links to contests, freelance job sites, free vectors, tutorials and tips. For Developers: links to freelance jobs, reference links and dev...
Digital Image is on hiatus 22 Jun 2011 | 10:56 am
Friends Stick Together, by Bob Nolin. Painted with Photoshop CS5. Digital Image Magazine is on hiatus for an indefinite time. In the meantime, please make use of the more than 180 articles (tutorials...
Tutorial: A Photomanip Journal, Part 3 25 May 2011 | 01:30 pm
This week, we'll see how to take last week's image (left) and turn it into the image on the right. Before we begin Part 3, let’s do a quick review. In Part 1, we chose a photo of a model and an envir...
Tutorial: A Photomanip Journal, Part 2 18 May 2011 | 11:09 am
In Part 2, we'll create the mask on the right from the image itself. This will allow us to have a new view out the window. In Part Two, we’ll remove the window panes, so to speak, to give our lady in...
Tutorial: A Photomanip Journal, Part One 11 May 2011 | 01:42 pm
One of the Nature's Lore series by Elandria. Click on photo to see more by Elandria. Today I came upon the photo above, by Deviant Art stock artist Elandria, and decided I just had to create a photom...