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MyDoc個人健康帳冊 1.1版--新增項目介紹 29 Jan 2011 | 07:57 pm
「MyDoc個人健康帳冊」系列:(由此連結下載) 基本資料 現狀用藥及聯絡方式 此次MyDoc個人健康帳冊 1.1版較1.0修改並新增了許多項目,在 此介紹給大家,希望能幫助大家整理自身與親朋好友的健康資料: (由此連結下載) 一、新增「首頁」協助大家來往各頁面。 二、「基本資料」中,新增「婦科資訊」,協助婦女朋友整理懷孕及經期相關資料 三、「疫苗注射」中,新增附錄「小兒預防注射參...
類風濕性關節炎(Rheumatoid arthritis) 6 May 2010 | 11:51 pm
類風濕性關節炎為一種自體免疫異常所造成的慢性關節炎,常在中年婦女發生,並造成身體左右雙側對稱且多處的關節發炎。被稱為「類風濕」,是因為早期醫學史中,曾將此疾病認為與因鏈球菌所造成的「風濕熱」及風濕熱所造成的關節炎表徵類似。而現代醫學發現,類風濕性關節炎是與風濕熱完全不同的疾病。 此疾病的早期常在雙手的小關節,產生紅、熱、腫、痛、關節僵硬等關節炎症狀。若未經適當診斷與治療,此疾病將會逐漸造成多處關...
More glasgow coma scale related news:
Right kidney passing into the intrathoracic space after blunt abdominal trauma 13 Aug 2013 | 04:27 pm
The patient was a 67-year-old man who showed right massive haemothorax after being run over by a low-speed vehicle. In the ambulance, his Glasgow Coma Scale score was 15/15 (eyes: 4; verbal: 5; motor:...
Pediatric Glasgow Coma Scale 15 Aug 2013 | 10:23 am
The Pediatric Glasgow Coma Scale or Pediatric Glasgow Coma Score (PGCS) is the equivalent of the Glasgow Coma Scale and is use to assess the consciousness of infants and children. Pediatric Glasgow C...
Creative Master Northcord 1:76 Scale Red Double Decker Tour Bus 16 Mar 2012 | 04:20 pm
One of delicate double decker tour bus is offered to kids at here. You would notice that you can have a simulative city sight seeing glasgow tour with such bus toys models. When playing, children can ...
Goodman unveils new masterplan for Glasgow’s Central Quay 20 Sep 2011 | 12:01 pm
- Huge potential for large scale relocations -