Most global warming state of mind related news are at:

OMG … Can IER read English? 14 Aug 2013 | 11:22 pm
An MIT economist publishes a paper explaining that key economic modeling of climate change is wrong primarily because the models do not account for the risk of catastrophic climate chaos, but essentia...
“Snarky” Professor’s take on humor in climate communication 10 Jul 2013 | 01:09 am
As part of the American Geophysical Union (AGU), self-described “snarky” Professor Laurel Whitney gave the following presentation about leveraging humor in climate communication. Professor Whitney’s D...
More global warming state of mind related news:
Global Warming For Young Minds 5 Feb 2011 | 09:18 am
Buy On Amazon Global Warming For Young Minds By Flemming Bermann Global Warming for Young Minds is aimed at 6 to ten year old children. Through factual story telling and colourful illustrations, the...
Recycled steel buildings to support the go green cause 3 May 2012 | 04:29 pm
Who said businessmen don’t have a heart to feel and a mind to read? There are indeed several like you who are concerned about global warming and how it is affecting planet earth. Imagine if this goes ...
10 Northeast States to Participate in First U.S. Carbon Auction This Thursday as Part of Cap and Trade Program (RGGI) 23 Sep 2008 | 01:09 pm
Northeast (TGW) – A group of 10 northeastern states will conduct the first carbon action in the United States, in an attempt to reduce humanity’s contribution to global warming. The Regional Greenhou...
Chicago Embraces Global Warming 4 May 2007 | 04:30 am
Chicago is towing the progressive line when it comes to global warming, comrades. Being the largest city in the glorious Peoples State of Illinois, it damn well better. They are opening an exhibit on ...
Mind the gaps between climate science and social policy 17 Jul 2012 | 06:16 am
With temperatures topping 100 degrees Fahrenheit this month in Chicago, thoughts turn to global warming. Whether any particular extreme weather event could be a symptom of climate change is difficult ...
Global Warming: A Libertarian’s Perspective 12 Jul 2012 | 05:00 pm
NB, I am not Davy. A common claim made against libertarians is that they “deny” global warming because it would require state powers to deal with it. This is quite a telling assertion and reveals as ...
Right Near Da Beach 7 Jun 2010 | 08:57 am
Relaxation is a state of mind, but a warm tropical breeze, a Belikin beer or maybe some rum punch sure doesn’t hurt. Just a few weeks ago, my wife and I got back from one of the most beautiful tropic...
Climate Change To Impact More Rainfall In South Asia 29 Jul 2012 | 03:02 pm
Increasing CO2 and Global Warming, South Asia can expect generally more rainfall, due to the expected raised atmosphere moisture, as well as more variability in rainfall, states in a review Nature Cli...
Global Warming and Building Green 5 Aug 2012 | 03:28 pm
Building green is one of the solutions to global warming that many people do not think about. Building green is designing and constructing buildings with the environment in mind. It is these practic...
A global crisis, state by state 19 Sep 2012 | 09:30 pm
What does global warming look like across the United States? Check out these eye-opening photos in the LA Times; Dramatic visual evidence that climate change isn’t just on its way in the future, it’s ...