Most glyph druid tank related news are at:

Taking Your Money Back With Fiscally-Sound Auto Insurance Tactics 25 Aug 2013 | 10:36 am
Auto insurance policies are rife with jargon and complex phraseology. You may find yourself feeling hopelessly confused and unsure of what anything means. This article discusses insurance industry ter...
Great Advice For Anyone Seeking Auto Insurance Coverage 22 Aug 2013 | 06:14 am
Many people believe it is difficult to learn about auto insurance. In truth, it’s not actually that hard to understand. Don’t just buy the first insurance policy that you see; take the time to look a...
More glyph druid tank related news:
Recrutement ! 12 Mar 2011 | 12:21 am
Pour poursuivre notre aventure PVE, la guilde The Legenders a besoin d'un certain nombre de joueurs. Les classes recherchées sont : Druide TANK DK TANK Rogue Chamélio Prêtre Shadow Moonkin Prê...
Paladin vs Druid 27 Feb 2010 | 08:35 am
Earlier this month, Big Bear Butt had a series of blog posts comparing Druid tanking with Paladin tanking: Tanking Test! Druid vs Paladin I Tanking Test! Druid vs Paladin II Tanking Test! Druid vs Pa...
Paladin vs Druid 27 Feb 2010 | 12:35 am
Earlier this month, Big Bear Butt had a series of blog posts comparing Druid tanking with Paladin tanking: Tanking Test! Druid vs Paladin I Tanking Test! Druid vs Paladin II Tanking Test! Druid vs Pa...
Zenonia 4 Druid Class Guide 26 Mar 2012 | 07:07 pm
OVERVIEW Druid’s caster / tank-type class, as in any other RPG, Shaman or Caster needs to have a good INT, and while in this class, he must have a good alternate HP / DEF. You have two options to cre...
A Day in the Life of a PuG Tank (Beruthiel) 13 Oct 2010 | 07:01 pm
This is a guest post from Beruthiel of Falling Leaves and Wings. She blogs about healing, raiding, and being a resto druid. *Yawn* *Stretch* Little Nadine stretches out after a bit of inactivity, lo...
[Druid]Antitanks in Cataclsym 30 Mar 2011 | 07:16 am
(the antitank image from that article oh so long ago - because russian dogs with explosives strapped to them charging tanks needs to be shown at least one more time) Recently we've got a lot - and I ...
Recrutement : Shinsuke , druide , lvl 80 13 Sep 2011 | 06:01 pm
Bonjour, PERSONNAGE PRINCIPAL ET REROLLS Nom : Shinsuke Classe : Druide Race : Elfe de la nuit Level : 80 Métiers et niveaux : TDC 140 ; dépeçage 300 Spé (Tank, Mélée, Dps, Heal) : 1ère spé dps...
Cata Feral Druid PVE Build Talent Tree Spec Guide 4.3.4 1 May 2012 | 07:19 am
Welcome to the Cata 1-85 Feral Druid PVE Build Talent Tree Spec Guide 4.3.4. This is newly updated for hour of twilight and comes with a full spec guide from 1-85 and also the most popular glyphs for...
Profession Guide – Druid 14 Jul 2010 | 02:19 pm
Depending on the spec the Druid class could play a tank, healer, caster or melee dps. A Druid is mainly leather wearer but could also wear cloth armor. Depending on the spec a Druid wants to play he/s...
Candidature Poowerz 13 Sep 2012 | 04:25 pm
Bonjour a tous ! Voila je me presente pour ceux qui n'etait pas la quand j'ai raid avec vous mercredi ! Je suis druide lvl 85 tank/dps félin qui joue a wow depuis le tout debut du jeu (lvl60) , j'ai...