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Gmailアプリを作るアプリ 14 Jan 2012 | 01:09 am
なんだかよくわからないタイトルだと思いますが、私が欲しかったアプリなのでご紹介します。元ネタは、Macworldです。(Use Fluid to create a Gmail app on your Mac) このアプリは、簡単に言うと、ブラウザのGmail表示ページのアドレスを覚えておいて表示するアプリです。 「なんだ、Gmailのアドレスをブラウザのブックマークに入れておけばいいじゃないか...
How To Access Facebook and Twitter Inside Gmail 5 Aug 2011 | 05:36 am
The Gmail app that allows to add the iGoogle gadgets to Gmail dashboard,so just follow the simple steps and you can enjoy Gmail,Facebook and Twitter not only in same browser but also in same tab. All ...
Download Gmail App For iPhone and iPad – Official Launch 3 Nov 2011 | 06:20 am
Gmail App for iPhone and iPad is recently launched by Google and thats too official launch and ready to download for free, Google too putted their foot in the iPhone market by launching their unreveal...
Upcoming changes to Gmail app. 9 Jul 2011 | 02:15 pm
I just received some pretty sad news. The API that LauncherPro uses to access your Gmail messages (used on the Gmail widget and the Gmail dock notifications) is being removed in the next version of th...
Gmail App for iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch Available for Download 17 Nov 2011 | 10:08 pm
The official Gmail app from Google has returned to the App Store after a 2 week hiatus. It was originally released a couple of weeks back, them immediately pulled back citing unresolved bugs as the re...
Menginstall Webmail Roundcube di Cpanel 26 Nov 2012 | 07:23 pm
Kendala yang saya hadapi adalah bagaimana membuat webmail di account cpanel kita, walaupun sebenarnya bisa kita gunakan gmail app untuk emailnya, tetapi kendalanya adalah kita harus login dengan alama...
New Gmail App released for Android, improves many features 19 Mar 2013 | 03:38 am
Looks like the new Gmail app for Android is ready to rock today with the latest update. The new update brings improvements expected to make responding, organizing, and searching much quicker. The new ...
Update für Gmail App 29 May 2013 | 10:13 pm
Google hat heute im offiziellem Gmail-Blog eine neue Version der Gmail App für Android 4 vorgestellt. Weiterlesen
Gmail for Android: Delete Message Instead of Archive from Notification 1 Jun 2013 | 11:27 pm
The Gmail app for Android allows users to reply, archive or delete messages right from the notifications, without requiring to open the app and perform those actions. Here's how you can replace defaul...
Neue Gmail App in Version 4.5 für Android verfügbar [Download] 3 Jun 2013 | 11:35 pm
Google hat vor einigen Tagen bereits die neuen Versionen der Gmail Webapps, sowohl für den Desktop als auch für mobile Browser veröffentlicht und damit eine neue Funktion, nämlich die Tabsortierung vo...