Most gmail chat emoticons related news are at:

Gmail Chat Smileys 7 Nov 2008 | 01:37 pm
Gmail Chat emoticons are the most popular search terms here at And now there’s a new robot smiley. In the past we’ve covered Gmail Chat—and its emoticons in particular. Of course everyo...
Wildcard Namespaces In XPath 2 Nov 2008 | 08:43 am
Select namespaced elements in XPath without specifying the namespace. Every once in a while you need to get to an XML element that is tucked within some namespace or another, but you really are not i...
More gmail chat emoticons related news:
Gmail Chat Smileys 7 Nov 2008 | 01:37 pm
Gmail Chat emoticons are the most popular search terms here at And now there’s a new robot smiley. In the past we’ve covered Gmail Chat—and its emoticons in particular. Of course everyo...
New Gmail Chat Smilies 8 Dec 2007 | 10:32 pm
Google Adds New Smilies to Gmail Chat Update: For a complete list of Gmail chat emoticons, including the new category four smileys and the new robot and poo smileys see Gmail Chat Smileys. With the ...
Buat facebook-er yang hobi chat (chating) di facebook. Tentu akan lebih seru kalau saat chat menggunakan kode smiley dan chat emoticons. Namun tidak hanya kode smiley saja, ada cara penulisan lain unt...
New Facebook Chat Emoticon 17 Sep 2009 | 10:28 am
Facebook have recently added a new easter egg in Facebook Chat with a brand new penguin emoticon: You can use this emoticon with the following combination: <(“) We’re unsure of the reason for pengui...
Gmail SMS chat 16 Mar 2012 | 08:37 pm
Google has introduced SMS Chat Service in India. This feature allows you to send and receive SMS using Gmail Chat. To start texting, turn on the Text Messaging (SMS) in Chat labs feature in the Labs t...
Gmail Chat - Jordan Castro & Brittany Wallace 5 Apr 2011 | 03:56 pm
showin off fo da cam are you still listening to this bitch brittany: no, this one now http://ww .com/watc h?v=uNaCD XmEoYM&fe ature=pla yer_embed ded jesus, this one... me: someone hit ...
Facebook chat emoticons 30 Nov 2009 | 06:28 pm
As I’m pretty sure you’re well aware, I’m a big fan of Facebook chat emoticons. I use them all the time when i’m on FB because I don’t usually like to waste time writing long sentences full of stuff, ...
Facebook és GMail chat használata az iChat programmal 4 Mar 2010 | 02:33 am
Számtalan különféle internetes chat program létezik. A sokféleség hátránya, hogy ismerőseink más-más rendszert használnak, így mi sem találjuk meg őket egy helyen. Az utóbbi években azonban elterjedt...
Facebook Emoticons and Smileys 12 Mar 2011 | 11:54 pm
Facebook Emoticons and Smileys Like the Facebook site has become part of daily life, same goes for the Facebook chat emoticons (you know those little icons you see in all conversations on the Internet...
Gmail: Google Enables SMS Text Messaging in Chat 12 Dec 2008 | 09:21 am
Google first launched this feature in October, but was quickly removed due to bugs. Now you can use this feature in your Gmail Chat. You can send SMS Messages to anyone right from the chat window. Jus...