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Episode 139 - My Life Will Go On And On 28 May 2013 | 08:26 pm
Regular hosts Jen Leo and Chris Christensen are joined by this week's guest Michael Hodson of Go, See, Write and newly-elected president of Professional Travel Bloggers Association [audio http://medi...
Combing Luxury and Adventure in Peru 15 Aug 2013 | 07:10 pm
More from Michael Hodson at Go See Write who has been with Cox & Kings in Peru and has offered to share the best luxury hotels in Peru. I admit I was a bit skeptical when I heard about Rio Sagrado hot...
An urban retreat in Cuzco 14 Aug 2013 | 09:58 pm
I've been following Michael Hodson from Go See Write's adventures in Peru with Cox & Kings and he's been staying at fantastic luxury hotels. I have been spending time in Ecuador but asked him to guest...
The Condors of Colca Canyon, Peru 27 Aug 2013 | 06:11 pm
Thanks for following and reading Overland Travel Adventures from Go, See, Write Colca Caynon is twice as deep as the Grand Canyon. Back on my round-the-world trip from 2008-10, I realized this in the...
Strangers on a Train — the video 23 Aug 2013 | 07:35 pm
Thanks for following and reading Overland Travel Adventures from Go, See, Write Trains hold a special fascination for me. They are easily my favorite mode of transportation, which probably is clear t...
The story of Machu Picchu, told in video 20 Aug 2013 | 05:07 pm
Thanks for following and reading Overland Travel Adventures from Go, See, Write The main purpose of my trip to Peru was to shoot a series of videos about the some of the many sights in that great cou...
Addiction, life, reflection and the power of working on it all 19 Aug 2013 | 07:24 pm
Thanks for following and reading Overland Travel Adventures from Go, See, Write A few weeks ago, I was back in the States for some travel conferences and also to spend some time with my family. My fa...
The colors of Peru… and black and white, in photographs 15 Aug 2013 | 07:15 pm
Thanks for following and reading Overland Travel Adventures from Go, See, Write I am still processing my two-week trip to Peru. Literally, still processing. Because of all the time lapse photography...
30 Before 30 – Introducing Liz from @YoungAdventures 15 Aug 2013 | 03:00 am
Thanks for following and reading Overland Travel Adventures from Go, See, Write Normally I am not one for bucket lists. Actually, l I think they are a big fat waste of time, if there is no thought o...
Why I will never be returning to Costa Rica 12 Aug 2013 | 07:28 pm
Thanks for following and reading Overland Travel Adventures from Go, See, Write Note to my readers. From the time I started this blog in 2008, I have resisted writing chronologically. I have written ...