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La communication & le développement durable… 27 Aug 2013 | 01:26 pm
Retour de Bordeaux, de la 11ème édition de l’université d’été de la Communication pour le Développement durable, organisée par l’ACIDD dans une ambiance studieuse et chaleureuse. Au-delà des échanges...
Passez en mode Summer Time avec Lov Organic, My Biotiful Bag et Gobilab! 25 Jul 2013 | 03:29 pm
Peut être avez vous croisé récemment sur les réseaux sociaux quelques photos pleines de couleurs, de soleil et de belles choses signées Lov Organic, My Biotiful Bag et Gobilab, accompagnées du hastag ...
More gobi related news:
Mongolia's best destinations, tours, vacation packages 7 Jul 2007 | 09:54 pm
Leave the hustle and bustle, discover the land of Mongolia, from Gobi desert to reindeer people in taiga, from the world's only wild horse habitat to serene lakes and more... If you are going ...
Çin Uzay mekiğini fırlattı 1 Nov 2011 | 06:09 pm
Çin insanlı uzay istasyonu programının ikinci aşaması olan Şıncou-8 mekiğini yerel saat ile sabah 05.58'de fırlattı. Çin'in kuzeybatısındaki Gobi çölünde bulunan Ciuçüan Uydu Fırlatma Merkezinden gön...
Special tour Lenght of tours: 16 nights / 15 N Tour cost: from 3210 US$ Tour highlights: Discover Mongolia, Naadam festival & Highlights of China Tour Highlights in Mongolia: Gobi desert of...
Aloo Gobi Ki Sabji 27 Nov 2011 | 07:18 am
Aloo Gobi ki sabji is eaten with palk puri or plane puri and raita. It is a Simple home cooked food. Ingredients: 1 small cauliflower 1 medium potato 1 chopped onion 1 green chilli, chopped 3 tomato...
Gobi Singada 9 Dec 2009 | 10:38 pm
Sound so different & interesting na. At first go, its sound like we are talking about any Indian gravy with Gobi (cauliflower) & Singada(Water chestnut), & here the twist comes. This is the Bengali sn...
Style And Comfy Shoes For Men (Jack Miller Scoout) 16 Mar 2011 | 03:19 am
Mar 15, 2011 If you'd like a durable, lovely, and high quality sandal to get you as a result of the summer, you ought to get yourself a a pair of women's vegan sandals. Such as the Gobi sandals, the ...
Harvest Time - Gobi 25 Sep 2010 | 03:32 pm
I love this time of year in ADRA's food security program. The gardeners harvest the result of their hard work over summer and everyone eats until they can eat no more, then has a party. I recently ...
Operación pandemia - documental sobre el negocio del Tamiflu 26 Jun 2010 | 09:22 pm
¿Qué se esconde detrás de la gripe porcina? ¿Por qué la insistencia? Los medios de comunicación masivos (mass media) intentan enajenar nuestras mentes para servir a los planes de manipulación de gobi...
藉由 Gobi 2000 啟用 ThinkPad T410 行動網路 on Ubuntu 10.04 4 May 2012 | 09:09 am
約一年前凍仁就曾考慮過為這台 ThinkPad T410 (2518-A38) 補上張行動網卡,直接內建就不需再外接 USB 3G 網卡,但基於技術上的考量還是先採購了 NOKIA N900 來使用,相信大多數的伙伴都會這樣選擇的,它除了可以模擬 USB 3G 網卡撥接,也可開 NAT 分享網路給 T410,真的很方便!但同時續航力也會大打折扣,畢竟智慧型手機也是要吃電的,然後還會順便拿筆電充電。...
Weekend food coma 7 May 2012 | 02:56 pm
Tasty dinner to ward away the cooking and blogging slump. Gobi mussallam, Roti, Blackeyed pea and mung dhal! Followed the recipe from Tarla Dalal website. Although slightly altered the recipe by addin...