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Verkaufe Lenovo T60 keine Schöheit 99,00€ 27 Aug 2013 | 03:59 pm
mit leichten optischen Mängeln. Type1951-FDG Minuspunkte Displaydeckel weist Kratzer auf Direkt am Verschlusshaken fehlt ein kleines Stück Plastik Display hat links einen kleinen weissen Strich. ...
T4xx T42 schnell und moderner machen. 27 Aug 2013 | 03:57 pm
Hallo, ich habe ein Thinkpad T42 und musste es wegen einem Virus komplett platt machen. Jetzt möchte ich es komplett neu aufsetzen, es schneller und besser machen. Was kann ich tun? Prozessor (aktuel...
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藉由 Gobi 2000 啟用 ThinkPad T410 行動網路 on Ubuntu 10.04 4 May 2012 | 09:09 am
約一年前凍仁就曾考慮過為這台 ThinkPad T410 (2518-A38) 補上張行動網卡,直接內建就不需再外接 USB 3G 網卡,但基於技術上的考量還是先採購了 NOKIA N900 來使用,相信大多數的伙伴都會這樣選擇的,它除了可以模擬 USB 3G 網卡撥接,也可開 NAT 分享網路給 T410,真的很方便!但同時續航力也會大打折扣,畢竟智慧型手機也是要吃電的,然後還會順便拿筆電充電。...
Free download Canon PowerShot G2/G2B USB Twain 3.9.0 Windows 98/2000 driver v3.9.0 18 Jun 2011 | 10:23 pm
Canon PowerShot G2/G2B USB Twain 3.9.0 Windows 98/2000 driver v3.9.0 free download now Platform: Windows 98/ 2000 File size: 7884.8 KB [Download Webcam/Camera Driver Now1] Related posts:Free download ...
Kernel 2.6.37: Qualcomm (qcserial.c) für gobi 2000 geändert 11 Jan 2011 | 01:29 pm
Seltsamerweise funktionierte die Gobi 2000 Karte meins x201 mit 2.6.36 noch, 2.6.37 nicht mehr. Nach einigem git bisect’en ergab sich vorhin: Nun muss /dev/ttyUSB1 statt wie bisher /dev/ttyUSB0 genu...
2013 Scion iQ Makes Parking a Breeze 30 Jul 2013 | 09:00 am
The 2013 Scion iQ may be small, but it's "big" on parking. The city-focused little vehicle is targeted towards generation-Y (born between the 1980s and early 2000s) drivers who live in the city, and i...
Police net distracted drivers 26 Aug 2013 | 12:00 pm
Almost 2000 drivers have been caught on their phones or without seatbelts this month.
5 Safety Tips All Drivers Should Know 14 Mar 2012 | 11:03 am
According to the 2000 census, more than 112 million people drive or carpool to work daily. With all these people on the road, drivers need to take every precaution to ensure they arrive safely at thei...
DriverPacks for Windows 15.03.2012 17 Mar 2012 | 12:47 am
DriverPacks for Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/7 (15.03.2012) is a collection of drayverpakov. Last updated drivers - March 15, 2012. It is not necessary to integrate these drayverpaki distribution Window...
SamDrivers 11.9.1 Free - Сборник драйверов для Windows x86/x64 9 Sep 2011 | 05:00 pm
Сборник драйверов от для всех 32-х и 64-битных Windows от Windows 2000 до Windows 7 включая серверные платформы. В качестве оболочек-установщиков использованы программы Drivers Installer Ass...
Epson Stylus NX215 Printer Driver for Windows 7 11 Nov 2009 | 07:40 pm
Epson Stylus NX215 Printer Driver is file contains everything you need to use your Epson Stylus NX215 with Windows XP, 2000, Vista 32-bit and 7 32-bit. This combo package consists of the following ite...
ATI Radeon HD 5700/5800 Series 20 Oct 2009 | 06:56 am
ATI Radeon is a brand of graphics processing units (GPU) that since 2000 has been manufactured by ATI Technologies and subsequently AMD and is the successor to their Rage line. This driver is recommen...