Most good photography etsy related news are at:

922 Facebook Fans? 10 Jul 2013 | 11:14 pm
Wow! Thank you very much! We love our fans! We'd love more of them too! I will be doing a giveaway here on this blog, when we hit 1000 facebook fans! Stay tuned. I haven't decided on the prize as of y...
Painting with light 18 Jun 2013 | 09:10 am
I first became interested in photography twenty years ago, when I was sixteen and began a photography course at school. My interest soon became an obsession as I marvelled at the idea of “painting wit...
More good photography etsy related news:
Food Photography 101 16 Apr 2012 | 08:26 pm
This photo was taking on a sunny day, in great light. That apparently is the first step to all good photography. Great lighting! Check out the recipe here for the cabbage pantry roll. Settings for... 27 Aug 2011 | 03:28 am
So besides that earthquake that came on Tuesday this week and preparing for the hurricane that's going to hit on Sunday, here's what else we've been doing... Got new couches! No not good photography...
101 Lighting Styles and Setups for Digital Photographers 15 Feb 2012 | 04:03 pm
There’s a myriad of good photography books available explaining the finer points of lighting, and I’ve reviewed a few of them here, here, here, and here. So do we really need another lighting book...
Council Websites: A Design Perspective 25 May 2011 | 10:58 pm
[This guest post was written by Adrian Short and was first published on his blog] Anyone can design a website, just like anyone can take a photograph. But good web design, like good photography, is r...
good photography? 12 Apr 2011 | 10:43 am
Stock Photos on a Budget - 3 Great FREE Stock Photography Sites 10 Sep 2011 | 04:23 am
Sometimes a photo can be the difference between a good design and a great design. But good photography often comes with a steep price. Thankfully with the generosity of budding artists eager to make a...
8 Critical Things You Have To Have In A Good Photography Contract 7 Aug 2012 | 03:38 am
There’s a saying here in America, “It’s not a matter of IF you’ll be sued, it’s WHEN.” Yes, America more than any other place on earth is sue crazy. And while we could talk for hours on the good and b...
Inexpensive but good photography camera? 26 Dec 2012 | 09:37 pm
Question by Dani: Inexpensive but good photography camera? I know “inexpensive” and “photography” don’t usually go together, but I’ll try this anyway. I want a good camera that isn’t just for snapping...
Good Photography Sells Home Faster 3 Jan 2013 | 12:16 pm
Beside value, photos that capture the views of your house in appealing views are the first step in getting prospects in the door.
Beautiful Wedding Albums 16 Feb 2013 | 09:00 pm
We’ll keep this short, as we said it before, good photography is extremely important but beautiful, well made, timeless albums are also what makes the whole experience with us complete. Those are ou...