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博客圈最流行的30个 wordpress 插件 12 Dec 2011 | 06:35 am
原文 翻译:sein 似乎每个写博的人都列举过自己喜欢的插件,这篇关于 wordpress 插件的文章,是在总结了 48个列表280个插件的基础上写出来的。 Akismet :规则严厉的反 spam 插件。 Google Sitemap Generator :SEO 利器,生成规范的站点地图以便 Google 收录。 Related posts :自动搜索并列举...
Voyager Home Screen (vHome) v4.10 S60v3 EN by Tuanloc 15 Mar 2012 | 07:09 pm
Voyager Home Screen (vHome) is a free ware helps you customize your S60′s home screen with big clock, start menu, weather, news ticker, Google, fav contact, smart dialing, etc. Key features: Feature...
Nokia Chat application updated to v2.5 for S60v5 18 Mar 2011 | 02:41 am
Today Nokia e-mail and IM team released an updated version of Nokia Chat application v2.5 for Nokia S60 v5 devices. Now you can chat with your friends on Google Talk, Windows Live Messenger, Yahoo! ...
【翻译】Google TV UI 设计模式 (五)(完结) 14 May 2012 | 05:44 pm
D-pad interaction traps 方向导航键的交互陷阱 The D-pad navigation's interaction with these UI patterns further emphasizes the benefit of a left-to-right hierarchy. In the preferred example (figure 20) in gree...
Mobivio Solution gTranslator V 1.00 S60 V5 ^3 - Aplikasi Penterjemah Multi Bahasa Google Translate 20 Jul 2011 | 02:50 am
Credit : GTRANSLATOR V 1.0O Apa diantara kamu belum pernah ada yang pernah mengakses Google Translate? Sepertinya tidak mungkin, atau mungkin hanya sedikit sekali yang belum tahu :) Kam...
Google Maps v2.3.0.9 update For Symbian S60 3rd Edition 16 Dec 2008 | 03:14 pm
Cruising around looking for a nearby coffee shop? Driving to that new restaurant but can't remember which street to turn right on? Now you can get business locations, maps and directions while you're ...
[转]如何使CSS渲染更高效 27 May 2010 | 09:24 pm
原文:Efficiently Rendering CSS 翻译:如何使CSS渲染更高效 (为阅读更通顺,稍作了些修改) 我承认我并不经常想这样一个问题:我们写的css的效率如何,浏览器渲染速度又如何?这本应该是浏览器开发者应该关心的。Mozilla有一篇文章: about best practices 。 Google 当然也很关心这个问题,他们也有这样一篇文章:Optimize brows...
Google Search App 11 Dec 2011 | 08:48 am
Google Search App - компонент приложения Google Mobile App для смартфонов Nokia S60, позволяющий осуществлять голосовой ввод запросов. достаточно произности запрос вслух - и Search App не только покаж...
Gravity Pushing Ahead: Google Reader Added To The S60 Twitter Client 21 Oct 2009 | 08:00 pm
Gravity, the Twitter client for the S60 platform, now supports reading RSS news feeds via Google Reader. With this new feature, you can keep up with the latest news in your Google Reader feeds while f...
Symbian – a post mortem – By Mika Raento 14 Oct 2012 | 04:48 am
This is a post by Mika Raento,, 2012-10-13 published first in a public Google Doc (You could actually call this a S60 post-mortem since I mostly write about what Nokia did with symbian bu...