Most google and china related news are at:

Florian Cramer: Anti-Media. Ephemera on Speculative Arts 21 Jun 2013 | 12:35 pm
Florian Cramer, lecturer at the Rotterdam based Willem de Kooning Academy, demonstrates in his new collection of essays Anti-Media, how media and art critique constantly reflect on their own tradition...
Boek uit de Band Het E-boek, van Schrijver tot Lezer 22 en 23 maart 2012 16 Mar 2012 | 12:14 am
Met de opkomst van het E-boek wordt een nieuwe dimensie toegevoegd aan het uitgeven, redigeren, vormgeven en distribueren van boeken. De keten van schrijver naar lezer en wat daar tussenin zit komt on...
More google and china related news:
Google中国的变故内幕 30 Apr 2011 | 01:39 pm
刚才看了《Google中国的变故内幕》,觉得这篇文章写的很不错,转载分享给大家,如果大家觉得不错的话,可也转载到自己的博客惑或空间,让更多的人了解谷歌当初为什么要退出大陆。 本文转载自: 原文标题:Inside Google’s China misfortune – Fortune Tech(查看原文推荐) Google中文域名的前期准备活动正在有条不...
Google says China blocking its email services 29 May 2011 | 03:46 pm
BEIJING – Google said Monday the Chinese government is interfering with its email services in China, making it difficult for users to gain access to its Gmail program, amid an intensified Internet cra...
Google accuses China of meddling with Gmail 23 Mar 2011 | 05:35 pm
Google is accusing the Chinese government of interfering with the operations of the company's popular Gmail service. Gmail customers in China have complained during the past month of experiencing pro...
El Google de China: El Secreto de Baidu en su ascenso entre los buscadores de éxito 11 Apr 2012 | 06:43 pm
Recientemente ha habido un rumor de que Baidu, el más popular motor de búsqueda de China, estaba interesado en adquirir Yahoo. Robin Li, fundador y CEO de Baidu negó el rumor, diciendo que la compañía...
Hacker Cantik dari Negeri China 16 Jan 2010 | 06:45 pm
Mundurnya Google dari China menunjukkan dahsyatnya komunitas hacker di negeri tersebut. Xiao Tian, pemimpin kelompok hacker khusus wanita ( VIVAnews - Google baru-baru ini menyatakan siap ...
How to Access Blocked Google in China 26 Jun 2009 | 01:08 am is really blocked in China. Here is my story how I discovered it's blocked, my personal understanding of the situation, and my solution how to still access in china. When did Go...
Weekly Digest Issue No. 558 24 Mar 2012 | 12:00 pm
INM outlines online expansion | Groupon CEO to step down | Mixed week for Apple | Google and China square up on Gmail issue | Twitter celebrates fifth birthday
Personal update: joining Google in China 4 Jan 2011 | 06:04 pm
Happy 2011! I wanted to share some personal news with you, but first, I apologize for having neglected this blog for much of 2010. I wanted to thank fellow blogger Baoru (aka Katherine Tanyu) for pu...
Google in China: Een Voorbeeld 1 Jun 2012 | 08:06 pm
De relatie tussen Google en China is nooit echt zo geweldig geweest. Google is vaak heel kritisch en open over hun “samenwerking”, en China orchestreerde in 2010 zelfs een grootscheepse aanval op Goog...
Google says China blocking its email services 29 May 2011 | 11:46 am
BEIJING – Google said Monday the Chinese government is interfering with its email services in China, making it difficult for users to gain access to its Gmail program, amid an intensified Internet cra...