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Google Goggles on iPhone its great! 6 Oct 2010 | 10:16 am
Google Goggles is becoming a good player in the information business. Have a look and download it to your iPhone or Android based phone. Click here to view the embedded video.
Will the Apple iPhoney please stand up. Apple ifone, Apple ipone, Apple hiphone. 4 Feb 2010 | 07:37 pm
Ever heard of the Apple ipone or ifone or even hiphone? Neither have I. But apparently over 500,000 searches are done on google for these iPhone wannabe every month. I came to this conclusion while re...
"google book search" ahora con revistas 10 Dec 2008 | 10:19 am
Ya lo han publicado varios blogs el día de hoy y ya lo había compartido yo en el google reader, pero es que realmente me pareció increíble que ahora en google book search se pueda ver el contenido com...
How to download Books from Google Books? 3 May 2012 | 12:43 am
Google Books is a great platform as a public internet library but reading books online on Google Books is much inconvenient to the peoples because whenever you want to read the book you have to open t...
Google Books 11 May 2012 | 11:02 am
Google books è il sogno di ogni appassionato di libri… Trovate il libro o la pubblicazione perfetta per i vostri scopi e scopritene altri di vostro interesse… Ricercare in Google books un libro è co...
In search of Fatima 24 Oct 2010 | 04:45 am
I get a glance on this book, seems to be great, I recommended this Book , Now im searching for a copy, or it can be read on Google Books There can be no solution to the Arab-Israeli crisis until the p...
Christine Sarakinis Kapitel 3. Schriftstellerinnen und Dichterinnen bis zur Jahrhundertmitte 17 Jan 2012 | 05:45 am
Christine Sarakinis Schriftstellerinnen und Dichterinnen im Russland des 19. Jahrhunderts Kapitel 3. Schriftstellerinnen und Dichterinnen bis zur Jahrhundertmitte google books Christine Sarakinis, Ch...
G-Whizz! Now Available! 5 May 2010 | 06:56 am
Are you tired of having to switch between browser windows just to access your favorite Google websites? Are you yearning for the ability to multitask your Google services on iPhone or iPad? If so, G...
Read Google Books from your desktop. 5 Oct 2010 | 04:14 am
We are familiar with google books. You probabily noticed that it so difficult to load and open to read the ebooks in a slow internet connection, and may not be able to know is the ...
Google music comes to iPhone in the form of a webapp 14 Sep 2011 | 05:10 am
Instead of going to iOS app store, Google has launched its music service “Google Music” on iPhone in the form of a webapp contrary to a native app on Android. You just need to point your iPhone’s brow...