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我的2011 1 Jan 2012 | 02:52 am
开始年终总结了,发现自己上一次写博客居然是近一年之前,这一年来写的东西其实也不少,不过都是在Twitter上。Twitter也许能够表达日常的零星想法,但是要用140字总结一年的事情还是有点难度,所以只好解开这个博客网站封印,再写一篇。 过去一年干了些啥?首要的是生了一个小宝,这是人生大事。有人说这标志着成人黄金时代的结束,以后就是围着孩子屎尿屁转了,可是我怎么觉得自己的黄金时代才刚开始呢:)每...
我的2011 31 Dec 2011 | 09:52 pm
开始年终总结了,发现自己上一次写博客居然是近一年之前,这一年来写的东西其实也不少,不过都是在Twitter上。Twitter也许能够表达日常的零星想法,但是要用140字总结一年的事情还是有点难度,所以只好解开这个博客网站封印,再写一篇。 过去一年干了些啥?首要的是生了一个小宝,这是人生大事。有人说这标志着成人黄金时代的结束,以后就是围着孩子屎尿屁转了,可是我怎么觉得自己的黄金时代才刚开始呢:)每个...
More google buzz 谷歌 related news:
Morality and hotness 9 Sep 2011 | 01:47 am
Just a little graphic from my latest book, thought you might enjoy. Subscribe to the comments for this post? Post on Google Buzz Share this on Reddit Stumble upon something good? Share it on Stumb...
Why Google Buzz will work, sort of 11 Feb 2010 | 11:38 pm
So we have another social/microblogging/lifestreaming service, called Google Buzz. It is, without doubt, Google’s boldest social play yet. Despite dominating pretty much all the key areas of the inter...
How to add a Google Buzz share button to your wordpress blog 11 Feb 2010 | 09:09 pm
No doubt we’ll be graced with a plethora of plugins soon, but if you’re keen to add a Google Buzz button to your WordPress blog manually to share content (via Google Reader), here’s how I did it: To ...
Google 推出了个 Google B … 10 Feb 2010 | 05:27 pm
Google 推出了个 Google Buzz,可恨的是还加在了 Gmail 里面,仿佛让我看到了腾讯和企鹅的影子,让我太是失望了,哎~~
How To Get More Quality Followers And Friends 3 Aug 2010 | 01:19 am
You probably agree that it is tough to find good quality people to follow on Twitter and Google Buzz. It is even more difficult to get interested and engaged people to follow you. There is now a solu...
Don’t Be Too Quick To Dismiss Google Buzz 16 Feb 2010 | 01:44 am
Google Buzz, Google’s foray into social media, has been released and the comments generally are pretty much in the negative – but then, this is Google – everyone’s favourite kicking post. I have to ag...
Da WordPress a Google Buzz con un click 19 Feb 2010 | 11:34 am
Senza alcun dubbio la grande novità del 2010 è il nuovo servizio Google Buzz che, considerato il grande numero di utenti Gmail, potrebbe essere un vero concorrente per Friendfeed. Di seguito vi segni...
Social networking Google+(plus) vs Facebook 18 Jul 2011 | 04:02 am
Google+ integrates social services such as Google Profiles and Google Buzz, and introduces new services Circles, Hangouts, Sparks, and Huddles. Google+ project a new social networking service operate...
Partager vos messages Blogger via Google Buzz 16 Apr 2010 | 01:51 am
par Jiho Han, Ingénieur Blogger Quand Google Buzz a été lancé en février, de nombreux d'entres vous se sont demandés comment partager leurs messages blog sur ce dernier. Nous sommes heureux de vous a...
Term 2, 2011. Kids Cooking Classes 18 Apr 2011 | 05:35 pm
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