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沒辦法讀 4 Aug 2013 | 06:14 am
今天在 FB 上看到這則呼籲大家搶救出版業的文章,但我卻發現在手機上幾乎無法閱讀,因為它竟然是圖檔。 莫非這是缺乏競爭的結果? 加入MMDays在facebook的粉絲團 隨時閱讀最新文章
「第三方支付」對於台灣的意義何在? 31 Jul 2013 | 06:43 pm
最近「第三方支付」這個議題在台灣吵得沸沸揚揚,網路業者和政府槓上:詹宏志:「金管會廢掉算了」,也被認為是壓垮最近下台的前金管會主委陳裕璋的最後一根稻草。 第三方支付,對於台灣的意義到底在哪裡?其實筆者認為這個問題不如這樣問:「第三方支付對於台灣的剩餘價值在哪裡?」 因為,剩餘的價值看起來已經不多了。 中國的網民持有信用卡不多,台灣人幾乎人手多卡,支付從來都不是問題 中國大陸在今年 (201...
More google ceo related news:
Now the obvious has been stated by Google CEO 8 Oct 2010 | 04:52 am
Google CEO Eric Schmidt recently stated what most of us have known for a while now. If you make something public or use a free service to “share” information, it has the possibility to be know by more...
What are 200 Ranking Factors other than PageRank? 28 Sep 2010 | 08:57 pm
There are over 200 SEO factors that Google uses to rank pages in the Google search results (SERPs). Google CEO Eric Schmidt doesn’t list them as Google’s exact ranking formula is a business secret. H...
Google CEO reflects on past year in rare dispatch 6 Apr 2012 | 05:55 pm
Google co-founder Larry Page has ruminated about his past year as CEO and mused about the challenges ahead in an unusual dispatch that he shared Thursday. Page posted his reflections on Google’s webs...
谷歌CEO对Facebook封闭用户数据不满 23 May 2012 | 02:08 pm
Larry Page, Google CEO 5月23日消息,据国外媒体报道,谷歌CEO拉里·佩奇(Larry Page)21日晚参加了PBS电视台的节目秀。节目上,佩奇谈论了包括Chrome已成为互联网上最流行浏览器,到Facebook刚刚实现IPO等在内的广泛话题。 在谈到Facebook时,佩奇先是祝福该公司IPO一切顺利,随后又表达了对Facebook封闭用户数据等行为的遗憾之意。佩奇...
Google CEO Being Replaced? 21 Jan 2011 | 10:24 am
Has anybody else seen this recently? Larry Page one of the co-founders of the giant company of Google is apparently going to take over the every day operations of the company. The new CEO isn't new ne...
Ten Google projects to be axed 3 Sep 2011 | 07:09 pm
Larry Page, Google CEO has announced the closure of a number of Google subsidies. One of them is Aardvark, the social search co it acquired in 2010. Aardvark was initiated by Google ex-employees. User...
Google CEO Schmidt Steps Down from Apple Board 4 Aug 2009 | 10:43 am
It was only a matter of time, but Google CEO Eric Schmidt has resigned from Apple's board of directors.Schmidt, who joined Google in 2001, has served Apple's board since August 2006. A statement from ...
Display Ad Rev. Doubles 21 Jan 2012 | 07:25 am
Google CEO Larry Page reported a 25% increase in fourth-quarter revenue, citing a strong holiday season. Display ad revenues have doubled in the last two years. Display ad revenue is not as profitabl...
Google CEO on information 30 Oct 2009 | 09:09 pm
Eric Schmidt asserts most people in the future will get their information from non-traditional sources. As we know, they already are. Anyway, interesting views on content (it’ll be mostly Chinese, by ...
Dead Google Products Pile Up 29 Nov 2011 | 12:00 pm
It looks like Google CEO Larry Page really is putting more wood behind fewer arrows. Google has discontinued Knol, the company’s attempt to recreate Wikipedia in its own ad-supported image, adding to ...