Most google cloud storage related news are at:

Facebook’s Mystery Event may unveil Instagram Video 18 Jun 2013 | 12:16 am
Facebook seem to be on a roll with new features & products lately. Last month they showed off new features for their Facebook Home for Android, and just last week some users noticed clickable Hashtags...
ParaShoot – Wearable live logging HD Video Camera 16 Jun 2013 | 11:21 pm
Wearable computing is definitely the next big trend in technology. This explains why there are so many different companies trying to open the wearable computing market by creating products in differen...
More google cloud storage related news:
Google Drive Cloud storage start 25 Apr 2012 | 06:26 pm
On an official blog of Google France have recently all the details about the new Google Cloud Storage Drive was published. Apparently it was a mistake, because the blog post is now gone. Yet now are a...
Cloud Backup to Google Cloud Storage Now Available from Zmanda 7 Mar 2012 | 06:45 am
Open Source Based Amanda Enterprise Integrated with Google's Open APIs
Google cloud storage 4 Aug 2012 | 02:15 am
GOOGLE CLOUD STORAGE Google cloud storage is a recent service to designers for storage and access data in google cloud. Designers/developers can store data in google cloud storage infrastructure and c...
MPEG-DASH support in Google Chrome 23 Aug 2012 | 09:25 pm
We heard today about some MPEG-DASH experiments in Google Chrome. We think Google is behind this initiative because 1) there is a Youtube logo, 2) the data are stored on Google Cloud Storage and 3) it...
エンジニアなら絶対使いたいgsutil(Google Cloud Storage) 28 May 2013 | 04:43 am
Google Cloud StorageはGoogleが提供するストレージサービスですが、gsutilsと呼ば [...]
Google’s Offline Disk Import: Just the Thing Developers Wished For 7 Jul 2013 | 09:04 pm
If you are worried about importing very large sets of data on Google Cloud Storage, then Google has come up with just the right solution. Google has recently added a new item, Offline Disk Import, in ...
Google Cloud Storage now provides server-side encryption 15 Aug 2013 | 08:00 pm
We know that security is important to you and your customers. Our goal is to make securing your data as painless as possible. To help, Google Cloud Storage now automatically encrypts all data before i...
New in Google Cloud Storage: auto-delete, regional buckets and faster uploads 22 Jul 2013 | 06:00 pm
We’ve launched new features in Google Cloud Storage that make it easier to manage objects, and faster to access and upload data. With a tiny bit of upfront configuration, you can take advantage of the...
Møter PRISM-bekymringene med automatisk kryptering av data 18 Aug 2013 | 03:25 am
Google har nå annonsert en ny tjeneste for Google Cloud Storage, automatisk server-side kryptering av alle data som lastes opp - i et forsøk på å roe den siste tidens personvernfrykt etter PRISM-skand...
Google начинает автоматическую шифровку данных пользователей 26 Aug 2013 | 08:49 am
Отныне сервис Google Cloud Storage шифрует все поступающие данные перед их записью на диск с применением 128-разрядного стандарта AES. Об этом посредством блога объявил поисковый гигант, отметив, что ...