Most google doodle archiv related news are at:

Video der Woche: Fussballspieler sind doch keine so großen Idole?! 14 Jan 2013 | 12:12 pm
Diese Woche habe ich wieder einmal ein Video, das Profi-Fussballern vielleicht nicht unbedingt gefallen könnte Darin wartet ein Junge auf die Landung der Maschine mit den Profis des FC Bayern München ...
Selbstgemachtes im eigenen Internet-Shop verkaufen 11 Jan 2013 | 06:43 pm
[Gastartikel] Viele Menschen sind unglaublich kreativ und produzieren zuhause großartige Sachen, die aber meist im Verborgenen bleiben. Das Hobby kann nicht nur dazu dienen, Geschenke für den engen Fa...
More google doodle archiv related news:
I Google Doodle sono in vendita 24 Dec 2011 | 11:09 am
Siete fan dei loghi personalizzati di Google? Ora potete averli su magliette e altri oggetti: con il benestare del colosso di Mountain View. Come molte aziende, Google ha da tempo un negozio interno ...
Google is celebrating Peter Carl Faberge’s 166th birthday 30 May 2012 | 05:54 pm
Google is celebrating Peter Carl Faberge's 166th birthday Google is celebrating 166th Birthday of Russian “Karl Gustavovich Faberge”jeweller famously known as Peter Carl Faberge. Google doodle sh...
Google Doodle HTML5 zipper 24 Apr 2012 | 11:55 pm
Another day, another Google Doodle, and after the static ZX Spectrum of yesterday it’s time for some HMTL5 action to celebrate father of the zipper Gideon Sundback. The Swedish-American electrical eng...
Online Branding: The Power of the Google Doodle 9 Nov 2011 | 03:37 am
I’ve always loved the online branding power Google built through its Google Doodles. You know the… Some people say that Google built its brand without traditional advertising. Poppycock! Putting...
Google Doodle für den Reißverschluss Erfinder 24 Apr 2012 | 08:32 pm
Googles Doodle für den heutigen 132. Geburtstag von Gideon Sundback, dem Reißverschlusserfinder, lässt einmal hinter den Reißverschluss blicken. Der Ingenieur und Erfinder, Sundback, hat 1913 die erst...
Heitor Villa-Lobos é homenageado no Doodle do Google 6 Mar 2012 | 03:14 am
Doodle comemora o 125º aniversário de Heitor Villa-Lobos (Foto: Reprodução) O pai do compositor, funcionário da Biblioteca Nacional, o incentivou desde pequeno a tocar violoncelo. Após a morte de seu...
What I Learned From Google Doodles 7 May 2012 | 02:24 pm
I’ve used Google for a while. I vaguely remember my dad helping me Google things when I was five. Though it would be years before I cared about the search engine’s other features, there was one thi...
Learn to play the Les Paul Google Doodle 10 Jun 2011 | 02:04 pm
After getting much positive feedback on its playable guitar to honor guitar hero Lester William Polsfuss (Les Paul), Google left its doodle in its United States site for an extra day. In a message on...
Robert Doisneau, Google Doodle Today Celebrates His 100th Birthday 14 Apr 2012 | 08:32 am
Robert Doisneau a famous French photographer, who was mostly famous for his art of street photographer, Google Doodle today celebrates and honoured his 100th birthday with one of its famous art as Goo...
Keith Haring Google Doodle – 04 May 2012 4 May 2012 | 01:43 pm
Keith Haring Google Doodle You might have seen today that Google has again changed with its Doodle and the Google logo gone away. This time its for Keith Haring. Today is The birthday of Keith Ha...