Most google edit bad web sites related news are at:

Google Names Digital Capitals of Each State 27 Aug 2013 | 04:30 pm
Google has identified what they believe to be the digital capitals of each state. Why? So we can argue over their choices, of course. The Official Google Blog tells us Given the importance of the we...
B2B’s Love Social Media But Can’t Get Too Specific As to Why 27 Aug 2013 | 04:00 pm
Call it a gut feeling that B2B marketers feel strongly that social media is good for their business. Why a gut feeling? Well, according to a report published by eMarketer (available for their subscrib...
More google edit bad web sites related news:
How to identify bad Web sites? 22 Aug 2013 | 04:20 pm
At some point, Google is ranking quiet a lot of websites that are of low quality or having bad links. I suspect that the new Penguin did not worked in the way it was expected. Now need to work out a l...
Google Adwords – When Should You Use Adwords or Other PPC 1 May 2007 | 02:08 am
Google Adwords can be an extremely useful tool in creating targeted traffic to your web site. Until recently, I have stayed very far away from Adwords because I ran a small campaign, got bad results, ...
Link Wheels – Should you Use Link Wheels to Promote your Web Site? 13 Sep 2010 | 05:08 am
Some SEO experts say that link wheels are the most powerful SEO tools. Yet others, say you should avoid link wheels because the Big Bad Wolf (Google) will come and get you if you use them. First let’s...
Let Webmaster Report Bad Incoming Links: GOOGLE 12 Jun 2012 | 11:52 pm
This comes as no surprise at all, except for why in the world Google waited so long to come out with a tool to disavow or block or report bad incoming links to your web site. Yes, as we discussed in ...
Link Purchase – Good or Bad? 2 Jul 2012 | 04:40 am
Link Purchase is a great way to optimize your page rank on Google and other search engines. If you want good results, you must buy links of highly ranked web sites. Going through text link ads for the...
Link Wheels – Should you Use Link Wheels to Promote your Web Site? 13 Sep 2010 | 01:08 am
Some SEO experts say that link wheels are the most powerful SEO tools. Yet others, say you should avoid link wheels because the Big Bad Wolf (Google) will come and get you if you use them. First let’s...
No. I Will NOT Respond to Your Disavow Link Paranoia. Bug Off! 10 May 2013 | 10:22 pm
Google has created a circus of sad-faced SEO clowns jumping through hoops trying to get rid of “bad” links to their web sites. This is why I never ever chose to be a slave to search engines and chose ...
Find out if your site has been hit by the recent Google Algorithm Change 2 Mar 2011 | 10:16 pm
Another year, another bad news for many web publishers out there. Last year that was this MayDay update which causes website traffic to go down for some. This year’s Google Algorithm Change hits eve...
Doing more with gadgets 21 Mar 2009 | 05:15 am
Gadgets allow you to easily add dynamic content to your Google Sites web pages, and are available from the “Insert” menu when you are editing a page. Some of the more basic gadgets, like the “Recent p...
When Google thinks Links are Bad. 19 Jun 2007 | 06:14 pm
In the beginning Google created an Algorithm, and it was good. It was based on sites linking between each other, creating a “web” of pathways for users to follow. Business practices have included “pa...