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别了,Micolog ,最终更新 7 Jun 2012 | 08:59 pm
因为种种原因,可说的,不可说的,距上次更新Micolog,约莫有年把时光了。 以往的种种,可以记录的,可以遗忘的,可以欣喜的,可以悲愤的......随着时光,都成了浮云。 期间数次冲动,数次又懒惰,最终也没有推出自己理想中的版本,而GAE却早已不是以前的GAE。 只是有一种情怀,或者是情节,在我心头,所以最终还是更新了,只是,更新的那么无力... ... 从现在开始,Micolog的更新将...
IDP申请成功,开始转战Apple阵营 7 Jul 2011 | 04:54 pm
今天,我申请的IDP(Apple Developer Program Enrollment)终于成功的通过了审核。 相对来说,整个过程还算比较顺利,鉴于网上教程很多,就不详细说明了。 简单描述一下: 6月27日开始申请,网上按流程填写注册信息到信用卡信息输入后要求发送Purchase Order Form,下载pdf,用photoshop,输入文字,将相机拍摄的个人签名ps到需要签名的地方(...
More google gae 博客 related news:
GAE 세미나 자료를 올립니다. 27 Jul 2011 | 03:10 pm
안녕하세요~ 장선진입니다. 지난번에 전자신문사 주최로 Google App Engine 세미나를 주최했었습니다. 자세한 내용은 다음과 같습니다. 여러분들께서 세미나때 사용한 PPT를 요청하셔서 이렇게 올려드립니다. 좋은 참고가 되었으면 좋겠네요~1 S01 gae and_hybrid_app_v1.0 View more presentations from...
What is Google App Engine and what you should know about it 2 Jan 2011 | 10:57 am
This article is to provide background for App Engine for other post that I'm writing about my experiences about GAE and who I think should be using it. So for those that don’t know Goole App Engine (...
Binding GAE to my naked domain 30 May 2011 | 12:20 am
以下紀錄如何使用 (naked domain/root domain) 指到 (GAE Application) 由於 GAE 已不支援這功能,此動作可在 Google Apps 中設定 Summary: --> GoDaddy DNS (A Record) --> Google Apps (Redirect)...
下載已經上傳的App Source Code 29 May 2011 | 11:00 pm The setting to restrict the download is in the GAE backend. Main-->Versions-->Permanently p...
使用Google Apps的Email申請GAE 29 May 2011 | 10:11 pm
有個狀況困擾了一陣子,今天找到了原因......XD 一般申請 GAE Application,入口是在網址 以 Goolge Account 登入申請 ( 先前自己總是透過 Google Apps 所設定的 email 來進行登入( 申請時有收到簡訊碼、有指定 App ...
Slacker 15 Jul 2008 | 05:18 pm
I'm aware I haven't posted much. That said, I'm hoping to have an app I've been working on for the GAE (Google App Engine) done shortly, and will post some impressions about the GAE, and Python. (Wait...
Google App Engine session at MediaCamp2 1 Apr 2009 | 12:09 am
During MediaCamp2 we had a round table discussion about GAE. Last April Google launched the Application engine. On launch it was limited to the first 10,000 developers who signed up to be part of a ...
Hosting a naked (no-www) domain on dotcloud, GAE, etc. 24 Mar 2012 | 11:52 pm
Some platform-as-a-service providers like Google App Engine, dotCloud, etc. don't allow you to host a naked domain (, and only serve requests from the www subdomain ( How...
A different kind of URL shortener 30 Aug 2010 | 12:08 pm
Today I'm launching my first Google App Engine site. While I built it largely to play with GAE, it is also useful in its own right (I like to think so anyway). It does two different things: Link shor...
Python東海第12回勉強会 4 Nov 2010 | 11:59 pm
Python東海第12回勉強会をVISHにて開催しました。 ■Google App Engineのスタートガイドハンズオン 開発環境のインストールから、ビックテーブルのところで終了。 この続きは11月20日(土)に実施します。 ・ハンズオンの内容として 開発環境の構築 バージョン管理ツールの使い方 GAE のスタートガイド を 「データストアの使用」 管理コンソールの起動 GQL...