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More google gae wordpress related news:
How to setup the navigation 9 Aug 2011 | 02:12 pm
Google Plus wordpress theme supports 2 menus: Top Navigation and Page Navigation menus. On the live demo site we used the “top navigation menu” for categories and pages, and the “page navigation menu”...
Theme Promotional Banners Set 6 Aug 2011 | 07:31 am
Here is a set of banners you can download and use on your website (or anywhere on web) to help us spread the world about the Google Plus WordPress Theme. To download a banner, simply right click on im...
Installing the Google Plus wp theme 4 Aug 2011 | 02:47 am
In order to use this WordPress Theme all you have to do is, upload the Google Plus WordPress Theme package through WordPress Dashboard -> Appearance -> Themes -> Upload. Once uploaded, activate the th...
WordPress SEO 17 Mar 2012 | 10:49 pm
Although a lot of people will tell you that Google loves WordPress sites the truth is that WordPress is just another way of publishing a website. It’s how you make sure that your WordPress SEO is done...
How To Use Google Places For Getting Local Clients 27 Apr 2012 | 05:19 am
In this quick video I will show you a sneaky tactic on how to use Google Places for getting local clients. Free Google Places WordPress Plugin. Click here to download from WordPress plugin directory....
7 plugins pour ajouter des boutons facebook, twitter, google +1 à wordpress 11 May 2012 | 10:51 pm
Wordpress Facile : Des tuto et podcast de formation wordpress, des plugins, des thème et du référencement. | WP-FACILE.COM Pourquoi ajouter des boutons pour les réseaux sociaux ? Lorsque vous passez ...
SN Google Plus 28 Oct 2011 | 10:13 pm
SN Google Plus SN Google Plus add to our wordpress blog Google +1 button. Files Download latest version of SN Google Plus. Wordpress official here. Screenshots
WordPress添加Google自定义搜索页面 14 Jan 2012 | 01:52 am
将 Google 自定义搜索加入到 WordPress 中有很多好处,它可以减少数据库查询,因为搜索结果由 Google 提供,不用再去数据库中搜索了;它能够更加全面的搜索, WordPress 目前只能搜索 Post。另外值得一提的是我们还可以在搜索结果中绑定 Google Adsense。 如何整合 Google 自定义搜索到 WordPress中,参考了水煮鱼和网贝的两种方法,具体步骤如下...
Mes blogs concernant le Jardinage en Container (Google / Fr.wordpress) 23 Jun 2008 | 04:06 am
Avec mes sincères remerciements ! Lu au site : Alerte Google – Jardinage en container Blogs about: Jardinage En Container Blog vedette Jardinag...
Adsenseoptimizer – mit Google und Wordpress Geld verdienen 27 Mar 2010 | 10:00 pm
Adsensenseoptimizer ist ein Plugin zum automatischen Einfügen von Google Adsense Werbeblöcken in ein Wordpress Blog. Davon gibts ja bereits genug, aber trotzdem konnte mich kein bestehendes Plugin gan...