Most google light navbar related news are at:

2013 Evernote 新書分享論壇報名開跑!一起來筆記論劍 26 Aug 2013 | 07:15 pm
今天我和筆記女王 Ada 約在咖啡館,在華山論劍之前先好好交流一番,結果相見恨晚,發現我們有好多共通的筆記概念,例如收集瑣事概念、行程管理精神,甚至打開我們的皮夾裡面都藏了緊急備用的小紙筆! 但靈活運用紙本手帳的 Ada ,和常常推廣 Evernote 數位筆記的我,即使在共通的時間管理、資料整理觀念下,當然也有許多方法上的不同,導致原本一個小時的會議,聊了兩個小時還意猶未盡。 我是「筆記女王...
Asphalt 8: Airborne 這次要狂野飛車 Android iOS賽車遊戲 24 Aug 2013 | 07:40 pm
身為 Android、 iPhone、 iPad 上長青賽車遊戲系列:「 Asphalt (狂野飆車)」一轉眼已經推進到第八代,在去年廣受好評的七代後,這一次全新登場的「 Asphalt 8: Airborne 」帶來全新亮眼的跑車、更逼真的賽車畫面與音效、複雜多變的各國城市賽道,還有更多讓人血脈賁張的飛車特技。 初步玩了幾個賽道後,我感覺這次城市裡的場景更加精細,例如日本東京雨夜就非常迷人,賽...
More google light navbar related news:
Google Lights Up A Candle To Honour The Delhi Braveheart 31 Dec 2012 | 05:48 am
When the entire nation is mourning the death of the 23-year-old Delhi gangrape victim, Google has been seen grieving over the demise of the Delhi braveheart in its own way. In the memory of the braveh...
Google lights up a candle to honour the Delhi braveheart 31 Dec 2012 | 01:21 am
The 23-year-old girl gangraped on a bus in south Delhi was died in Singapore. Google pays tribute to Delhi gang-rape victim. RIP Nirbhaya. This is one of coolest things Google has done. A small candle...
Automating vote tallying on the Google+ "Light Box" community 25 Jan 2013 | 07:39 am
The Light Box is a Google+ community that allows people to submit photos for community review. Qualified community members 'vote' on photos by leaving a comment with sequential hashtags like "#delete1...
Automating vote tallying on the Google+ "Light Box" community: The TallyBot 25 Jan 2013 | 07:39 am
The Light Box is a Google+ community that allows people to submit photos for community review. Qualified community members 'vote' on photos by leaving a comment with sequential hashtags like "#delete1...
Automating vote tallying on the Google+ "Light Box" community: The TallyBot 25 Jan 2013 | 07:39 am
The Light Box is a Google+ community that allows people to submit photos for community review. Qualified community members 'vote' on photos by leaving a comment with sequential hashtags like "#delete1...
Google updated the design of Navbar 17 Feb 2012 | 05:38 am
Google on today shifted the right hand side google+ notification to secondary navbar . By doing this google Primary header navbar is now only available with Google products links. When previously you ...
How to Taylor your SEO Efforts in Light of the New Google Algorithm 20 Apr 2012 | 06:00 am
Changes to Google's algorithm and its stance on inbound linking methods have sent shock waves through the search engine optimization community in recent weeks. Many sites have lost significant ranking...
8 Tips To Grow Search Engine Traffic To Your Blog 21 Apr 2012 | 12:00 pm
In light of the recent Google Panda updates, it becomes increasingly important to realize that Search Engine Optimization for your site can be extremely dependable on Google’s search algorithm. In t...
Google Analytics — Just Say NO! 14 May 2012 | 01:42 pm
I found a better place to shoot my “talking head” videos, hopefully the lighting quality and the sound are a bit better, and as a side benefit you can hear the birds chirping in the garden Today I wa...
Google Update Brewing? What Is Going On? 17 May 2012 | 06:02 pm
May 16, 2012 • 9:13 am As of yesterday, the WebmasterWorld thread and some other forums starting lighting up again with discussion and SEO chatter around Google's search results starting the shuffle ...